Woe is me! For have I ever been an utter blindfolded seer. For as I witnessed thine eyes of blazing fire, Thou fury accede the lashing of sacral choirs. My words so unworldly confined, for thy fires of faith art ever fires of truth! I see candlelit vapours, rising from his brow in blear shapes of royal garments like multitudes of crowns! Many were they on his head and many they were rushing behind him! They, The army of Eden, the wing clad reapers of YHVH (Yaweh). For they are the voices in death's song, the grand roar of thousand woes. A thousand wings A thousand hooves A thousand black halos alight Come now all! Come now none! Come now, ye 23 spawns of Helel Ben Sahar! "Come gather together in for the great supper of god, so that you may eat the flesh of kings" Now let them hear… HALLELUJAH! Honor his stature of blood drenched robes with lyrical art on his limbs. FOR HE BE THE LORDS OF LORDS! HALLELUJAH! With a purging sword like a scepter he strives for dominion by nil. FOR HE BE THE KING OF KINGS HALLELUJAH! His names are never to be spoken, by fashion of mortal tounge. SHEM HA MEPHORASH!