[00:00.99](Talking) [00:03.05]Once upon a time at the foot of a great mountain,很久很久以前,在大山脚下, [00:05.11]there was a town where the people known as Happyfolk lived,有一个小镇,住在那里的居民被称为“快乐居民”, [00:09.99]their very existence a mystery to the rest of the world,他们特别的存在对别处的世界来说是个谜, [00:13.19]obscured as it was by great clouds.晦涩朦胧,就像这个小镇本身被浓重的云彩覆盖一样 [00:17.40]Here they played out their peaceful lives,他们在这里过着安逸的生活, [00:19.85]innocent of the litany of excess and violence that was growing in the world below.无邪的遵守着骚动在这世界之下多余而又暴力的祷文 [00:25.35]To live in harmony with the spirit of the mountain called Monkey was enough.[他们觉得,]能和名叫“蒙奇”的山神在一起和谐相处,就够了 [00:29.31]Then one day Strangefolk arrived in the town.然后有一天,“怪族人”来到了这个镇上了, [00:33.95]They came in camouflage,他们身穿伪装, [00:35.51]hidden behind dark glasses,躲藏在深黑色的墨镜之后。 [00:37.36]no one noticed them:没有人注意到他们—— [00:38.78]they only saw shadows.他们能看到的只有暗影。 [00:41.19] [00:41.46]You see,你看, [00:42.17]without the Truth of the Eyes,没有真理之眼的指引, [00:44.24]the Happyfolk were blind.快乐居民,他们是瞎的。 [00:46.29] [00:47.36](Singing) [00:47.99]Falling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holes 跳机逃离直升机,躲藏在山洞中 [00:52.57]Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home 等待黎明的到来,人们要回家了 [00:57.20]Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head 从他们背后暴起,爆他们的头! [01:02.04]Now everybody's dancing, 那现在所有人都跳起了舞 [01:04.37]the dance of the dead 死灵的舞蹈啊 [01:06.75]The dance of the dead 死灵的舞蹈 [01:09.24]The dance of the dead.这死灵的舞蹈啊。 [01:13.09] [01:19.02](Talking) [01:23.58]In time, 就在这时, [01:24.83]the Strangefolk found their way into the higher reaches of the mountain, 怪族人们找到了一条通往山顶的路, [01:28.91]and it was there that they found the caves of unimaginable Sincerity and Beauty.就在这里他们找到了藏匿宝藏的山洞,那里装满了不可想象的真挚和美好 [01:35.17]By chance, 恰好, [01:36.25]they stumbled upon the place where all good souls come to rest. 他们驻脚在所有美好的生灵安息的地方。 [01:41.05]The Strangefolk,怪族人, [01:42.56]they coveted the jewels in these caves above all things, 挂满了从那山洞劫掠来的各种珠宝, [01:46.43]and soon they began to mine the mountain, its rich seam fueling the chaos of their own world. 然后开始挖掘这个山,留下的巨大裂缝填补了他们内心的狂躁。 [01:53.62]Meanwhile, 同时, [01:55.95]down in the town, 在小镇里, [01:56.74]the Happyfolk slept restlessly, 快乐居民正沉在无休止的熟睡中, [01:59.67]their dreams invaded by shadowy figures digging away at their souls. 他们的梦乡被身披阴影的东西入侵,掘走着他们的灵魂 [02:04.04]Every day,每天, [02:05.60]people would wake and stare at the mountain.人们都会醒来,盯着那座山。 [02:08.40]Why was it bringing darkness into their lives? “为什么它会给我们的生活带来黑暗啊?” [02:12.05]And as the Strangefolk mined deeper and deeper into the mountain, holes began to appear,怪族人在这山里越挖越深,洞穴开始出现了 [02:17.84]bringing with them a cold and bitter wind that chilled the very soul of the Monkey.带给他们刺骨寒冷的风,这风原来是用来抚平蒙奇躁动的灵魂的。 [02:22.74]For the first time, 第一次, [02:23.44]the Happyfolk felt fearful for, 快乐居民们感到害怕了。 [02:25.38]they knew that soon the Monkey would stir from its deep sleep. 他们知道不久蒙奇就会自沉睡中惊醒。 [02:30.55]Then there came a sound.之后,远处传来了一阵声音 [02:31.89]Distant first, 先是很远, [02:33.14]it grew into castrophany so immense it could be heard far away in space. 之后它碾轧似的不断膨胀,声音大到在外太空里都能听到那轰鸣。【某猴不要随便造词好吗【摔 [02:39.24] [02:39.63]There were no screams. 没有惊叫。 [02:41.84]There was no time. 没有时间逃亡。 [02:44.43]The mountain called Monkey had spoken. 这名叫“蒙奇”的巨山发话了。 [02:47.74]There was only fire.只有烈焰。 [02:49.04]And then, nothing. 之后,虚无。 [02:51.74] [02:52.48](Singing) [02:53.62]Oh, a little town in U.S.A 哦,美利坚的一个小镇啊 [02:55.58]The time has come to see 这是眷顾你的时刻 [02:58.23]There's nothing you believe you are 你觉得你什么都不是 [03:01.86] [03:02.76]But where were you when it all came down on me 但当这是发生在我身上的时候你在哪里 [03:09.77] [03:10.92]Did you come in now? 你来过吗? [03:13.55]☮‏ [03:15.33]