[00:00.000] 作词 : 2Bt- [00:01.000] 作曲 : CHXX [00:12.938]You are in my heart [00:12.938](你在我心里) [00:14.681]You are in my heart [00:14.935](你在我心里) [00:16.179]I tell myself you are the most important [00:16.441](我告诉自己你是最重要的) [00:19.186]Let me hold your hand [00:19.186](让我牵着你的手) [00:20.684]Let me hold your hand [00:20.684](让我牵着你的手) [00:22.182]I'll go with you the rest of in the way [00:22.450](剩下的路我和你一起走) [00:25.431]OK 跟我走 想要摸摸你的头 [00:28.186]弱小的你躺在怀里 [00:29.683]那以后我做你的大狼狗 [00:32.179]OK 牵着手 请你眉头不要皱 [00:34.434]爱撒娇的你甩着脾气 [00:36.185]情话怎样都说不够 [00:38.438]OK 别害怕 我会做你的Super Star [00:41.189]你是我的心里Queen当然还是你最大 [00:43.967]你喜欢的花全部送到你家 [00:45.719]一撇一捺等于八 [00:47.217]那等我过来牵着手再做你的那个他 [00:50.723]You are in my heart [00:51.721](你在我心里) [00:52.720]You are in my heart [00:53.219](你在我心里) [00:53.219]I tell myself you are the most important [00:54.464](我告诉自己你是最重要的) [00:54.974]Let me hold your hand [00:56.971](让我牵着你的手) [00:59.222]Let me hold your hand [00:59.467](让我牵着你的手) [01:00.720]I'll go with you the rest of in the way [01:00.965](剩下的路我和你一起走) [01:03.974]坏情绪在你不经意间全部偷走 [01:04.971]你喜欢的装进怀里我全部都有 [01:06.723]听到你的声音让我精神抖擞 [01:06.723]时间一秒都不会让他溜走 [01:10.218]ey 快过来抱 蹭蹭鼻子再逗你笑 [01:13.225]歌词很新鲜时间是今天 [01:14.470]民政所的相片需要合照 [01:16.466]想要做你的男朋友 [01:16.466]想要去牵着手 [01:18.217]想要让你感受我的温柔 [01:22.121]住进大高楼 [01:23.119]想要你做我 女朋友 [01:24.372]想要你回头 [01:25.871]我还是个恋爱新手 [01:28.622]瞄准你 em b inggo~ [01:30.873]喜欢你的味道 喜欢你去跟我对靠 [01:32.616]每天赚到的money都会拿去跟你汇报 [01:35.368]让你做我的领导 每天都会说句您好 [01:38.620]我的女王大人已经半夜能不能快点睡觉 [01:46.374]女:哎呀 吵死了 你能不能不烦我 [01:47.373]男:你能不能早点睡觉 女孩子晚上熬夜容易长皱纹 [01:51.866]那样就没人要了啦 [01:51.866]女:那不是还有你吗 嘿嘿 [01:54.873]我来把感情延续 情感丰富的像个编剧 [01:57.626]你说你要做个仙女这让我有点冤屈 (你说什么呢 我开玩笑) [02:00.377]其实你呢最重要 喜欢的都会给你送到 [02:04.117]接下来要仔细听好我给你唱的这首旋律 [02:07.877]You are in my heart [02:07.877](你在我心里) [02:09.875]You are in my heart [02:09.875](你在我心里) [02:09.875]I tell myself you are the most important [02:11.618](我告诉自己你是最重要的) [02:14.126]Let me hold your hand [02:14.879](让我牵着你的手) [02:15.624]Let me hold your hand [02:16.132](让我牵着你的手) [02:17.621]I'll go with you the rest of in the way [02:17.875](剩下的路我和你一起走) [02:20.629]OK 就这样 想要一直为你唱 [02:23.124]能不能把我的声音 [02:23.124]放进你的列表里播放 [02:27.130]OK 别抵赖 看着你继续搞怪 [02:30.379]调皮的公主殿下 [02:30.379]想要告诉你我一直在 [02:33.621]OK 别惊讶 只要你乖乖听话 [02:36.371]就算是甘草雨露我也会去为你拍下 [02:39.378]只是在等你回答 踩住幸福的尾巴 [02:42.121]最好是能亲亲嘴巴再让我带你回家 [02:46.380]You are in my heart [02:46.380](你在我心里) [02:48.123]You are in my heart [02:48.123](你在我心里) [02:48.123]I tell myself you are the most important [02:49.621](我告诉自己你是最重要的) [02:52.810]Let me hold your hand [02:53.555](让我牵着你的手) [02:54.550]Let me hold your hand [02:54.807](让我牵着你的手) [02:58.555]I'll go with you the rest of in the way heng~ [02:58.801](剩下的路我和你一起走)