作词 : PHILOSOPHY 601/iNFERNO.13 作曲 : Noah Li/iNFERNO.13 Lyrics by: Jensen Liang/Terry Wang/Azrael Zhu/Banksy Yin/Yves Qi/Ryan Li/Jane Huang/Lilith Gao/Ricardo Huang/Michelle Liu Intro (Travis Walker): Coming at you guys straight up from China【从中国而来,你们看好啦】 We got Confucians【我们有孔子】 We got Mencius【孟子】 Versus【对阵】 Lao Tzu and【老子和】 Zhuang Zi【庄子】 Confucius (Jane Huang): First day in high school, you gotta learn true culture【步入高中的第一天,你就应该学习仁义礼智信】 Without proper rules, homies be vultures【如若没有礼治,你的挚友都会沦为衣冠土枭】 You born incomplete but got tools to be proper【人生来残缺,但道德与礼教都可以扶持】 Western Zhou culture is the one to be honored【西周文化就是通往仁义的道路】 Applying to college, gotta be a gentleman【申请大学的时候,一定要有君子之风】 Don't goof all day, sit down write your supplement【别整天无所事事,抓紧坐下来完成文书】 Get yourself restrained, get rid of your games【克制欲求,摆脱游戏】 Do what you have aimed, cause no pain and no gain【努力去追求自己的梦想,没有努力哪来的收获?】 Enter High school you take extra-curricula【上了高中,也要参加课外活动】 Build a robot, sing A-cappella, code your java【搭搭机器人,唱唱阿卡贝拉,写写Java代码】 Inherit the spirit from events out of class【如若能从课外活动中汲取真谛】 Nothing for you would be really even hard 【对你来说就没有什么做不到的了】 What you fake on CommonApp is bomb attack【CommonApp(大学申请系统)上的谎言无非是定时炸弹】 What you make up I wanna ask does honor lack【那些捏造的“事实”是道德的缺失吗】 Your app must match what you really do【你的大学申请不能有半点造假】 Or you are gonna stuck in a lying loop【否则你定然会养成撒谎的习惯】 Lao Tzu (Noah Li): Why do you need rules since you're not a fool【傻子才需要那些条条框框】 You can't fix your mind by such external tools【你不能依靠身外之物来解决问题】 Align body and mind, just stay cool【调整身心,保持冷静】 Then you'll know what's right to do【你自己就会知道什么才是应该做的】 I don't know what you are crying for【不要为了你的未来而哭泣】 Why you dying for that bastard CollegeBoard【不要为了那混蛋的CollegeBoard(大学理事会)而牺牲】 No TOEFL and AP, not the core【标化从来都不是你人生的中心】 Just chill and let nature take its course【无为会为你带来更多】 Still lookin at that college rank?【还在看那些大学排名?】 Ivies are only for you to swank【藤校也不过是炫耀的工具吧】 Just get rid of it and then relax【放宽心态放轻松】 Offer's gonna stack up like my ass 【录取通知书自然手到擒来】 Whoo, do you see that vicious competition?【你也知道校园里的那些恶性竞争】 Campus' filled with parents' donations【学校里充满了父母的捐赠】 Bad genius cheating on SAT【天才枪手们在考场里作弊】 But no one accept who he really is【但没有人接受他们本来的自己】 Zhuang Zi (Steven Lin): You know what, Lao Tzu【哎呀老子】 You just killed the beat, you know【你刚才那段真是没法比了呀】 Lao Tzu (Noah Li): What’d they gonna do, man 【看他们这下该怎么反驳】 Zhuang Zi (Steven Lin): What’d they gonna do【看他们怎么办】 Confucius (Jane Huang): Nah, you ain’t got nothing compare to this 【好戏还在后头】 Mencius (Kimberly Garner): Yeah man just bring the beat back【DJ快放Beat】 Yo let’s go【走起】 Yah, why you wanna go to college?【你为什么还要去上大学】 You think teachers teach garbage【如果你认为老师教的都是垃圾】 Relax, stay cool【每天只知道无所事事】 Maybe I’ll buy you ticket to a zoo【那你适合呆在动物园】 Oh wait, you don't want any rules? 【等等,你不想要任何规则?】 People gonna screw up and fight for food【试想一下,人们将会为了生存不择手段】 Guess what?【你猜怎么着?】 Good for you if you wanna live a life with the Croods【那你就去和原始人们居住吧】 You know what it takes to be a person【你知道一个人需要具备些什么吗?】 Justice is a gift not a burden【不是生活的负担,而是正义与礼节】 Goodness exists when you’re just an infant【人之初,性本善】 Choices we make are prolific【希望等你长大了也不要失去你善良的本性】 Confucius was right about no pain no gain【孔子说得对,没有付出就没有回报】 No one is born to be like Bruce Wayne【没有人生来就像布鲁斯·韦恩(蝙蝠侠)一样完美】 Work hard and don't you dare to blink【要努力地活着,不要有丝毫松懈】 Cinderella marries the prince but wears no pink【王子可不会爱上没有梳妆打扮过的灰姑娘】 Chorus: I got TOEFL, SAT【每天与托福和SAT作伴】 Holiday all for activities【所有的假期被活动排得满满当当】 Flattering agents praise on me【中介每天给着虚伪的夸奖】 You won't know the pain of me【谁又能理解我内心的煎熬苦涩?】 Insomnia get me no sleep【辗转反侧,寤寐难安】 Taking tests spent a ton money【为考试挥金如土】 You see I'm standing by my feet【终看我羽翼丰满】 Chasing offer in Ivy League【追梦藤校】 Confucius (Jane Huang): Some people won at the starting line【有天赋的人已经赢在了起跑线上】 No gain without sacrifice【没有付出就没有回报】 Stop from running out of time【不再贪图享乐,虚度光阴】 I'll be my parents' pride【我将是我父母的骄傲】 Mencius (Kimberly Garner): Some people won at the starting line【有天赋的人已经赢在了起跑线上】 No gain without sacrifice【没有付出就没有回报】 Handle the wheels of car I drive【命运的齿轮由我来转动】 I'll take charge of my life【我的人生由我做主】 Zhuang Zi (Steven Lin): Fast your heart, clear your mind【要安之若素,心无旁骛】 You know you just a human-kind【你我不过是肉眼凡胎罢了】 Hey kid, wanna be mature? 【想费尽心思,考虑周全所有身外之物?】 Leave space for harmony and rest assure【还是算了,知足安命吧】 Imagine wall-street suit cause your blinding score【你若是心高气傲,成天做白日梦】 No one compare but can't even do your chore【也不过是个虚有其表,花里胡哨的人】 Like a puppet in social norm and bubble【最终会沦落为被社会条条框框摆布的木偶】 It ain't a struggle, get realness or get trouble【所以贤者坦荡,庸人自扰啊】 Email, website, virtual tour【电邮介绍,学校网站,虚拟校园游】 Said you know dream school but are you really sure?【你说你懂梦校,但你真的确定?】 You know nothing about a college, just a bit【你只懂一点如何能够大展宏图】 Cut your vain anxiety and you’ll fit【停止你徒劳的焦虑,你终会进入你适合的大学】 Listen to your heart all that blah blah blah【听从你的心】 Fixed minds get you bombed, nah nah nah【否则固化思维将摧毁你】 Let your own spirit do the college pick【让“气“带你选择去路】 When offer come they'd be like "Dude you so sick!”【当录取通知书到来人们都会高喊“威武!”】 Lao Tzu (Noah Li) & Confucius (Jane Huang): Follow my advice, you don’t apply for twice【听从我的指示,你就不会走太多弯路】 Do it right, you will see that future bright【执行正确的指令,你就是明日之星】 Take your time, do what you want【不慌不忙,做你所想】 Make your own sound, don’t let other bake you down【表达自己的思想,别让旁人把你影响】 No agent needed, no counsellor requested【中介不是必需,顾问没有必要】 College pick should made by your spirit【大学选择必须按照你自己的喜好】 Just find where you're fit in, you know you'll did it【找到你适合的学校,你知道你能做到】 No matter you're accepted, or being rejected【不管是接受的喜报,还是拒绝的噩耗】 There isn’t any right and wrong【这无关于对错的道理】 Each side representing one of hundred flowers blooming【每种思想都是盛开的百朵花之一】 Hundreds school of thoughts contending, growing diversely【百家争鸣,各抒己见】 In the verse, we’ve been firmly believing【我们坚信】 No matter Taoist versus Confucian or Mencius 【不论是孔、孟,还是老、庄的思想】 We still be the family, peace yo【我们始终是一个集体,世界和平】 Arranged by Noah Li Mastered by REDHOSE Prod.by Noah Li Translated by PHILOSOPHY 601