作词 : 我是奇 作曲 : 我是奇 Last week 上周 I lost all my fame and riches 寻欢作乐,名利双失 Last night 昨夜 I fell from Altar which we built it 纸醉金迷,跌落神坛 But this is no matter 依旧随心所欲,怎会伤及大雅 Tell me now who cares 不顾凡人非议,保持风流倜傥 I have nothing but to hit the road 我已身无一物,也要及时行乐 All my girls are Audrey 我的女孩们优雅可爱如奥黛丽 All my cars are Bentley 每日出街轮换着我的限量版宾利 They say I’m the Fantastic King. 众人皆戏称我为奇幻国王 Last week 上周 I lost all my fame and riches 寻欢作乐,名利双失 Last night 昨夜 I fell from Altar which we built it 纸醉金迷,跌落神坛 But this is no matter 依旧随心所欲,怎会伤及大雅 Tell me now who cares 不顾众人非议,保持风流倜傥 I have nothing but to hit the road 我已身无一物,也要及时行乐 All my girls are Audrey 我的女孩们优雅可爱如奥黛丽 All my cars are Bentley 每日出街轮换着我的限量版宾利 They say I’m the Fantastic King. 众人皆戏称我为奇幻国王 Last week 上周 I’ve got nothing to lose in body 我的血肉之躯腐败溃烂 My body 扭曲变形 But you are still always there in my dream 但你依然被我囚困于美梦之境 In my dream 无法逃离 Surrender to me 向我臣服 Surrender to me 向我臣服 We will perish together on fire 让我们在烈火中作乐尽兴 Surrender to me 向我臣服 Surrender to me 向我臣服 We will perish together on fire 让我们在烈火中作乐尽兴