[00:00.000] 作词 : 我是奇 [00:00.000] 作曲 : 我是奇 [00:00.000] [00:08.569]Last week [00:08.569]上周 [00:10.210]I lost all my fame and riches [00:10.210]寻欢作乐,名利双失 [00:17.464]Last night [00:17.464]昨夜 [00:18.920]I fell from Altar which we built it [00:18.920]纸醉金迷,跌落神坛 [00:26.209]But this is no matter [00:26.209]依旧随心所欲,怎会伤及大雅 [00:27.984]Tell me now who cares [00:27.984]不顾凡人非议,保持风流倜傥 [00:30.200]I have nothing but to hit the road [00:30.200]我已身无一物,也要及时行乐 [00:34.785]All my girls are Audrey [00:34.785]我的女孩们优雅可爱如奥黛丽 [00:36.717]All my cars are Bentley [00:36.717]每日出街轮换着我的限量版宾利 [00:38.976]They say I’m the Fantastic King. [00:38.976]众人皆戏称我为奇幻国王 [00:52.376]Last week [00:52.376]上周 [00:53.920]I lost all my fame and riches [00:53.920]寻欢作乐,名利双失 [01:01.248]Last night [01:01.248]昨夜 [01:02.553]I fell from Altar which we built it [01:02.553]纸醉金迷,跌落神坛 [01:09.888]But this is no matter [01:09.888]依旧随心所欲,怎会伤及大雅 [01:11.560]Tell me now who cares [01:11.560]不顾众人非议,保持风流倜傥 [01:13.842]I have nothing but to hit the road [01:13.842]我已身无一物,也要及时行乐 [01:18.457]All my girls are Audrey [01:18.457]我的女孩们优雅可爱如奥黛丽 [01:20.436]All my cars are Bentley [01:20.436]每日出街轮换着我的限量版宾利 [01:22.840]They say I’m the Fantastic King. [01:22.840]众人皆戏称我为奇幻国王 [02:02.328]Last week [02:02.328]上周 [02:03.849]I’ve got nothing to lose in body [02:03.849]我的血肉之躯腐败溃烂 [02:08.344]My body [02:08.344]扭曲变形 [02:11.099]But you are still always there in my dream [02:11.099]但你依然被我囚困于美梦之境 [02:17.136]In my dream [02:17.136]无法逃离 [02:19.555]Surrender to me [02:19.555]向我臣服 [02:21.665]Surrender to me [02:21.665]向我臣服 [02:23.897]We will perish together on fire [02:23.897]让我们在烈火中作乐尽兴 [02:28.135]Surrender to me [02:28.135]向我臣服 [02:30.328]Surrender to me [02:30.328]向我臣服 [02:32.640]We will perish together on fire [02:32.640]让我们在烈火中作乐尽兴 [02:37.344]