Within two worlds Wind carries the sand Of a desert of emotions Unto tear stained cheeks Skin seared by the power Of oblivious stars He cries... shedding tears... though none are left They cry... golden tears... diamonds glistening Solace found underneath a palm Brushing the burning void away The jewels of their emotions Are left abandoned in the sand As they face one another In a dimensional confrontation Twin images etched in glass And the backdrop of the cosmos The stars disregard His pain laid flat Against the pane He cries... shedding tears... though none are left They cry... golden tears... vagabonds in the sand The scream echoes silent Within a world forever deaf He sees within the other Reality's reflection surreal And as the bright stars arch The power of the palm grows Extinguishing his silent partner And his phantom world In contrary motion He raises his frame As the other falls... Shattering upon the barren earth's kiss Like a thousand sapphires Reflecting the light of the stars Flung against the night's canopy And his end becomes clear In rippling pools of a desert oasis... Transcend the line drawn in the sand By the remnants of his twin Orphan the sanctity of the palm And eschew the safety of its shadow