作词 : PonyBand 作曲 : PonyBand Long gone is in the ages The era of the Great Cold The woe that brought together The tribes of the ancient world The time came for the rulers To swallow their own pride And fervent flames of friendship Did the ice and their quarrels smite. - And so that strife and discord Would not between them stand Were alicorns called in for To reign upon the land So did two sisters step forth To claim the rightful throne But Platinum the Princess Ruled the sisters must be gone. - Sisters! The throne shall not be yours! Platinum proudly appeared And then bowing to no one At them she wrathfully peered. - She asked the royal sisters, «What for should you be here? Why did you not stand by me When seeking far and near? I fought through raging blizzards To find a home for all? When in the cave a trap of ice Did right upon me fall? - Oh, Luna! Though you are horned You aren`t of royal rank! Your flank, you little filly, Is as your sister`s blank. Alone shall I be ruler Mine is the highest throne!» There Luna smiled to conceal Wrath which in her eyes shone - If such is your desire To rule the land alone Then from here foth forever We sisters shall be gone. We shall dismiss the servants And leave the castle`s halls/ So put the crown upon your head It by the right is yours!» - «Sisters! I see no reason why I should your orders heed! Never shall I my power Unto impostors concede!» - When Platinum stepped foward And crossed the hidden line, Did Luna nod, thus giving a subtle secret sign. A wide and dark hole opened Right there where Plat'num stepped The willful princess tumbled down And was by water swept. - Then came the royal sisters Down to the castles wall, And hardly could believe they The change wrought by the fall The waters washed away all Of Plat'num's arrogance With vainful pride now gone did she Give up her stubborn stance - Sisters! Revel in glory! Yours from now be the might! And for long blissful ages Your land be blessed in the light!