B-L-O-O-D-S-H-E-D Now! B-L-O-O-D-S-H-E-D Now! B-L-O-O-D-S-H-E-D Now! B-L-O-O-D-S-H-E-D Now! I pledge allegiance to disobedience For which I stand One nation swimming in blood One nation living in sin Death on every city street corner No laws to keep us down Every church a slaughterhouse Every courtroom a vicious shoot out A pig hanging from every flagpole A knife shoved up the system's asshole No future for the moralists No future for the weak From the shadows within my soul I cry for brutality and bloodshed for all [Refrain] [Repeat Verses 1 and 2] [Refrain] [Repeat Verse 2 Two Times] [Refrain]