The Undiscovered First I had what I thought were clear open eyes, bright blue. Vision of a lake, carryin' pictures to lay on you. Close the blinds, let 'em in, don't mind openin' at the edge of love. You can't un-think a thought, either it's there or not. Shadows of the mountain, don't tell them what's under. The breadth and the height of an undiscovered first. Now hopeful mountaineers climb up to eclipse like the whole sun. Cause it's been said that two would know what to do, it'd been told. Shadows of the mountain, don't tell them what's under. The breadth and the height of an undiscovered first. Shadows of the mountain, don't tell them what's in store. The height and the breadth, is it wrong to want more IS THIS THE RIGHT MOUNTAIN FOR US TO CLIMB IS THIS THE WAY TO LIVE FOR YOU TO BE MINE IS THIS THE RIGHT RIVER FOR US TO FORD IS THIS THE WAY YOU LIVE FOR ME TO BE YOURS IS THIS THE WAY TO LIVE FOR ME TO BE YOURS IS THIS THE WAY TO LIVE IS IT WRONG TO WANT MORE this the way to live for me to be yours Is this the way to live Is it wrong to want more