[00:00.000] 作词 : 青黄居士 · Crow D [00:01.000] 作曲 : 青黄居士 · Crow D [00:04.771]Another 8 Mile [00:08.298]录音:1 T Z T录音工作室 By:王泽佑 [00:11.065]MIX:王泽佑 [00:13.576]编曲:Red Killer [00:20.090]演唱:Crow D 乌鸦 [00:32.605]I wanna drinking and driving,(我想要在饮酒后飞驰) [00:33.788]I get no one would cry.(因为我知道没人会为我哭) [00:35.460]I hate cycle in facing,(我讨厌面对日复一日的循环) [00:36.712]why not smoke and fly.(为什么不去放飞自己) [00:38.062]I hate memories in brain,(我讨厌大脑中的记忆) [00:39.315]uncover lies of mine.(不断揭开我骗自己的谎言) [00:40.777]You keep in my riding,(你让我不断前进) [00:42.030]I'd never make you pride.(我却没有让你自豪的资本[暗示对家人的亏欠]) [00:43.533]Already lost my soul, man.(兄弟我已经快要失去我的灵魂了) [00:45.037]time running like sand kind,(时间就像沙子那样的东西不断流逝) [00:46.289]Hold chance in your hand.(抓住你手中的机会) [00:47.793]But not the cold land.(不过在这片冰冷的土地做不到) [00:50.298]There is no where to hide, OK(好吧这里没有藏身之处) [00:52.552]always we don't care to die.(我们总是那样不担心死亡的问题) [00:55.308]Let's do the job,(让我们完成这项工作) [00:56.309]finish the dream you dreaming.(完成你日思夜想的梦想) [00:58.062]Let's sing the pop,(就让我们唱流行歌吧) [00:59.315]whenever you feel so boring.(在你感到悲伤的时候) [01:00.818]Naga hate the police,(受压迫地方的人讨厌警察[庆幸我在中国]) [01:02.322]but I don't give a ****.(不过我不在乎) [01:03.574]you can be you homeless,(你也可以是无家可归的人) [01:04.827]but I don't give a ****.(不过我依旧不在乎) [01:06.328]Where we go? Where're we bro?(我们去哪里?兄弟我们现在在哪?) [01:12.594]To see the rainbow, write down the demo.(去到能看到彩虹的地方,写下这首唱片样本) [01:19.853]Where we go?(我们到底去哪里?) [01:26.613]where we pull the time out(我们又该怎么打法这些时间?) [01:28.364]Yeah right, you're all right,(是的,就当你是对的) [01:29.865]I don't care, what you said.(我不在乎你说的每一个字) [01:31.366]Tell me about the ******** why I have to care so.(告诉我我为什么要对你说的废话表现得很在意?) [01:34.619]Like chase me criminal,(把我像坏人一样追缉) [01:36.372]bad things all my fault.(把一切坏事都算到我的头上[我的童年]) [01:37.625]Delete me from your phone.(把我从你的联系人里删除) [01:39.377]First I know I won't rest in peace like almost people do,(第一点我知道我会满足于像寻常人那样甘心平凡) [01:42.151]you wanna one more opportunity?(你还想要多一次机会吗?) [01:44.405]Or you can't stand the pressure give your head a bullet,(又或者你忍受不了压力选择自我了断) [01:46.912]and the cold eyes keep clapping and say oh yeah.(那些冷眼旁观的人竟然不断鼓掌还说“哦!好啊”) [01:50.433]What the funk do you think who you are?(你觉得自己是个什么?) [01:52.451]I don't need you to review how I rap.(我不需要你来评价我的说唱) [01:55.469]When I show up, funk off your caps.(当我出现,都给我脱帽致意) [01:57.729]Betrayed your love, one more time mess up. F-mess up...(不过我在这条路上背叛了多少人的爱,苦笑,再一次搞砸了…) [02:01.495]It's doesn't even matter how'd you try.(习惯了再怎么努力都没有结果) [02:03.504]Just keep beauty things in you mind.(那就把美好的事物保存在你的心里) [02:06.268]Describe me in your eyes(我在你的眼里到底是什么样子) [02:09.034]Do I give you some pride?(我是否给了你一些骄傲?) [02:12.549]Where we go? Where're we bro?(我们去哪里?兄弟我们现在在哪?) [02:18.845]To see the rainbow, write down the demo.(去到能看到彩虹的地方,写下这首唱片样本) [02:26.353]Where we go?(我们到底该往哪走?) [02:34.361]Where I smoke, every where.(说到我解决烟瘾的地方,任何地方) [02:35.362]Heart I stolen, oh my snare.(偷走了你的心,那是我的全套) [02:36.614]All my mood, disappear.(我的所有情绪,消失) [02:38.116]Yeah I do, with my tear.(是的我确实如此,一同离开的还有我的眼泪) [02:39.617]When I rap out my heart, but you don't really care(当我说唱表达我的内心,可是他们一点都不在乎) [02:42.371]Just need fresh air, but they doesn't learn to share.(只仅仅需要一些新鲜空气,可是他们没有学过分享) [02:45.623]So we're wrong type, we don't have long time.(所以我们是不被认可的存在,可我们没有多长时间了) [02:48.236]We walk long ride, I don't have long time.(这是一条长路,可真的留给我的时间不多了) [02:51.261]I wrote this eight night, sleeping with daylight(我写下这首歌花了8个夜晚,每天都在太阳升起时入睡) [02:54.027]What now? I'm just gonna walking the Eight miles(现在又是什么情况?我只是走在另一条八英里而已) [02:56.669]Oh my bro, so let we give you the lonely song,(哦,我的兄弟,听我给你唱一首孤独的歌) [03:01.935]Shall I give you, we do know so much loving fault(让我给你一些建议,我们知道在爱的途中隐藏着多少错误) [03:07.452]You don't know love, loads so much of fault.(你并不懂爱,它可以承载很多错误) [03:13.478]Love you so(说唱,我只是很爱你)