[00:00.000] 作词 : M2K [00:01.000] 作曲 : LAKEY INSPIRED [00:15.187]后期:M2K [00:18.705]I had a dream about a girl 3days ago [00:19.199]我三天前梦到了一个女孩 [00:20.688]Man! how can i put this delicately [00:23.937]Without sacrificing my own image [00:24.439]我怎么样才能描述这段奇妙的经历 [00:26.937]You want more information? [00:27.198]你想知道么 [00:28.688]Let’s find out [00:28.954]那就来听听这首歌吧 [00:32.194]Feel like I’m under pressure [00:32.707]当你正在走过来的时候 [00:35.955]When you move right away baby [00:36.200]我感觉我哑口无言 [00:39.940]Guess this is not a closure [00:40.203]当我梦到你的时候 [00:42.952]When i saw you in my dreams lately [00:43.685]我在想这应该不是结局 [00:46.954]24hours just pouring rain [00:47.437]从早到晚,一直在下雨 [00:49.432]Those sleepless nights [00:49.689]无眠的日日夜夜 [00:51.949]I got u in my brain [00:52.440]我在想着你 [00:57.946]I wish all my pain will wash away [00:58.197]如果雨能够带走我的忧伤... [00:59.949]Every night in my dream [01:00.453]当我梦到你的时候 [01:01.941]Let’s ignite no deny [01:01.941]没有否认,只有火花 [01:03.943]Kissing under the moonlight [01:04.434]在月光下相拥 [01:05.702]Intertwine hope you’re mine [01:05.702]多么希望你是属于我的 [01:07.448]Let’s get cozy till we die [01:07.694]直到死亡将我们分离 [01:12.204]May we could cross every line [01:12.701]一起幸福的走下去 [01:14.686]You and I let’s get high [01:14.944]我跟你在月光下 [01:16.449]******* under the moonlight [01:16.697]一起呆到太阳的升起 [01:18.445]Intertwined now you’re mine [01:18.936]现在我已经拥有了你 [01:20.201]No more lies till we die [01:20.684]没有谎言,没有束缚 [01:23.194]Baby i need you [01:23.692]因为我需要你 [01:27.704]Ditto ...That’s right [01:28.185]你也需要我 [01:29.187]Feels like I’m alone [01:32.449]Feels like I don’t belong to somebody [01:32.449]总感觉自己是孤独到没人要 [01:34.946]Can you please tell me why [01:35.444]你能告诉我原因吗 [01:37.201]Tell me what you want [01:38.952]Tell me what you need right now [01:39.444]告诉我你想要的和你所渴望的 [01:42.193]Imma give you all you want [01:42.466]我会完全满足你 [01:43.951]Feels like I’m alone [01:47.694]Feels like I don’t belong to somebody [01:48.201]总感觉自己是孤独到没人要 [01:50.441]Can you please tell me why [01:50.957]你能告诉我原因吗 [01:52.453]Tell me what you want [01:54.193]Tell me what you need right now [01:54.951]告诉我你想要的和你所渴望的 [01:56.947]Imma give you all you want [02:00.450]我会完全满足你Nobody could ever love me like you do [02:00.938]没人会像你一样爱我 [02:03.945]Nobody could ever kiss me like you do [02:04.445]没人会像你一样亲我 [02:07.694]Nobody could ever know what we’ve [02:07.953]Been through [02:08.695]没人会懂得我们所经历的 [02:09.693]Nobody could ever [02:11.199]Nobody could ever [02:11.690]世上再无别人 [02:13.448]Tell me what you need baby [02:14.950]Tell me what you need [02:15.444]请告诉我你需要什么 [02:16.947]I’m a king you’re a queen [02:18.950]Let me show that we’re meant to be [02:19.700]我会加倍证明给你看 [02:22.700]Whisper to my ear let me know ur keen [02:22.700]告诉我你已经准备好了 [02:25.937]1,2,3 let the action begin [02:26.434]那么我们就开始吧 [02:28.447]I don’t usually pray for the people [02:29.949]Who have zero tolerance [02:30.227]我平常不是个特别好心肠的人 [02:32.195]For the sake of god i have already lost [02:33.950]The skills just to make me incompetence [02:33.950]因为我早已丢失了耐心 [02:36.687]Let’s be on top of this [02:37.199]让我为你做出改变 [02:37.454]Baby how on earth that you’re gonna [02:38.452]Be done with this no promises [02:38.939]我知道你无法结束我们之间的 [02:39.192]Cause i know these things are too good [02:41.437]To be true with us [02:41.948]因为我嘛永远都是相爱的 [02:44.195]Baby show me what you’re going to do [02:44.948]那么现在请告诉我你想做什么 [02:46.198]Cause i have zero patience left in my moves [02:47.697]因为我的耐心都已经耗没了 [02:51.201]Let’s wake up in the morning just to [02:51.943]Pray for the fools [02:52.202]我期待跟你一起起床的场景 [02:55.692]Cause nobody could ever show us what we’ve been through [02:55.949]因为没人会比我更呵护你 [02:57.940]Feels like I’m alone [02:58.448]Feels like I don’t belong to somebody [03:00.194]总感觉自己是孤独到没人要 [03:02.944]Can you please tell me why [03:03.202]你能告诉我原因吗 [03:04.946]Tell me what you want [03:07.190]Tell me what you need right now [03:07.954]告诉我你想要的和你所渴望的 [03:10.194]Imma give you all you want [03:10.458]我会完全满足你 [03:11.938]Feels like I’m alone [03:14.946]Feels like I don’t belong to somebody [03:15.449]总感觉自己是孤独到没人要 [03:17.692]Can you please tell me why [03:18.190]你能告诉我原因吗 [03:19.694]Tell me what you want [03:22.451]Tell me what you need right now [03:22.700]告诉我你想要的和你所渴望的 [03:27.439]Imma give you all you want