[00:00.000] 作词 : Lie To The Silence [00:01.000] 作曲 : Lie To The Silence [00:10.058]Beyond The Mark [00:39.039]越界 [00:58.202]I don’t wanna do this by myself.我一个人无法做到。 [01:03.004]They came like moths to flame.他们简直像是飞蛾赴火。 [01:05.474]Came into another hole I dug 坠入我挖掘的另一个坟墓。 [01:09.294]These walls begin to cave in.这些围墙开始逐渐分崩离析。 [01:12.518]The house of wolves you built.你所建造的这些狼穴。 [01:15.344]Covered the tracks.掩盖了所有的踪迹。 [01:17.485]My secrets are burning a hole through my heart.我的秘密正在烧毁的我的心。 [01:22.334]It’s hard to find way to breath.这令人难以呼吸。 [01:24.600]You can watch me burn.你可以看着我燃烧。 [01:34.859]You can watch me bleed.你可以看到我血涌如注。 [01:46.959]The blood on my hands covered the holes.我手上凝结的血痂遮盖住了我的伤疤。 [01:51.069]I’m at the edge of the world.我已走到一切的边境。 [01:54.702]Where the sin can never die.在这里所有的罪恶都会得到永生。 [02:00.621]Where the fvck are you.你在哪里? [02:25.286] I’m at the edge of the world.我站在世界边缘。 [02:30.102]Where do I go.我该何去何从。 [02:35.424] I don’t wanna do this by myself.我一个人无法做到。 [02:40.103]They came like moths to flame.他们简直像是飞蛾赴火。 [02:42.808]Came into another hole I dug 坠入我挖掘的另一个坟墓。 [02:46.563]These walls begin to cave in.这些围墙开始逐渐分崩离析。 [02:49.725]The house of wolves you built.你所建造的这些狼穴。 [02:52.533]Covered the tracks.掩盖了所有的踪迹。 [02:54.697]Please,take me with you.求你了,带我走吧。 [02:59.493]I’m alone,I’m alive and dead.我形单影只,如同行尸走肉。 [03:04.535]You have saved me with your mercy.你曾经用你的仁慈拯救了我。 [03:07.093]Then kill me with your tears.那现在用你的眼泪杀死我吧 [03:09.243]Nourish every inch of your skin with my blood and semen.我用尽我的血液滋润你的每一寸皮肤。 [03:16.483]You will never take me home.你真的永远都不会带我回家吗。 [03:23.484]If I can be dying for a kiss form you.如果我濒死的样子可以得到你的一个吻。 [03:52.340]Your eyes are swallowing me.你的目光快要把我吞噬。 [03:57.188]My secrets are burning the hole through it.我的秘密从未燃烧的如此炙热。 [04:01.836]Where are you.你在哪里。 [04:06.641]Where the fvck are you.你在哪里?