作词 : Fenriz, Nocturno Culto I must embrace visual Hell 我必须拥抱视觉的地狱 to satisfy us 得以满足我们 Rape the whores in blasphemy 用猥亵的言语去奸淫妓者 I am him while I feast upon your flesh 当我饱食你肉体时我成为了他 Glance into my eyes 眼中闪光一现 and see the darkest shadows dancing 只见黑暗之影起舞 Playing in the desert of my life 舞于我生命中的不毛之地 Burning, - 燃烧 and my soul is descending... 与之我灵魂的浮沉 Lover of all - Face the apocalypse 所有的相爱之人- 面临天启 You fade away under the black rain 你逐渐消逝于黑色的雨点之下 and flowers remain 还有花的残骸 Flowers to step on, flowers to burn 踩踏花朵,并与之烧毁 Am I ready for the god below 我准备好在神之下 Red flesh to penetrate my skin 血红的肉体 穿透我的肌肤 To steel my soul away 减息我灵魂之坚 To the grave I seek 让我寻求死亡 Until I'm feeling weak... 直到我感到软弱 But there's fire 但那有热 In my heart, in my eyes 在我心中,眼里 In his body, in his eyes 于他身体,眼里 And in his lovely kingdom 和他的可爱王国里