[00:00.000] 作词 : Lil Lee [00:00.511] 作曲 : rewtrix [00:01.23]唱:李天乐 [00:02.35]词:李天乐 [00:03.44]混音:李天乐 [00:04.60]封面:李天乐 [00:05.71]采样:李天乐 [00:06.83]曲:rewtrix [00:17.99]Im Satan ,I dont feel my pain [00:19.82]我是撒旦,我感觉不到我的疼痛 [00:20.03]I have a demons soul [00:21.89]我有恶魔的灵魂 [00:22.10]Black blood running through [00:24.09]流淌着黑色的血液 [00:24.28]Im the opposite of Snow [00:26.42]我和白雪截然相反 [00:26.61]In my eyes, only the rich [00:28.68]在我眼里只有富有 [00:28.86]**** that,I am a giant tooth shark in the sea [00:32.49]我是海中的巨齿鲨 [00:32.67]Eating those big fish [00:33.76]专门吃那些大鱼 [00:33.95]You can see the bones on the beach [00:35.83]你们可以看到尸骨在沙滩上 [00:36.44]I need money and ***** now [00:40.78]I need money and ***** now [00:45.14]你可以看到那些人从不对我胃口 [00:47.18]她们的出现 只是为了小爷的bankroll [00:49.37]No,我不屑去讲 [00:51.76]猫咪们给不了我任何欲忘 [00:54.20]请收起三脚猫的技术 在我面前激荡 [00:56.36]遇到satan 你们压根都看不到任何希望 [00:58.41]来无影 去无踪 这是摸不透的去向 [01:00.87]黑暗李小龙和撒旦结合 成为圈子里的巨匠 [01:03.89]让恶魔 风生水起 打破规定 [01:05.61]尝试小爷的威力 绝对不是水你 [01:07.72]想赢我 还是得说一句may be [01:10.06]黑色的曼陀罗将前方化为灰烬 [01:12.37]他们想捞的way 太贵 和我的生死状特别暧昧 [01:14.88]不然干脆 与我飞行 和上帝去悲鸣 [01:16.62]但别追寻satan 就想颗炸弹 随时boom [01:19.75]Damn 太大的威力 将全场都给炸啦 [01:22.56]oh **** mother ******,就这样登上版面 [01:24.49]致幻的效果 真出现的幻觉 [01:27.11]让所有人开始都 开始都 出现了胆怯 [01:30.39]Im Satan ,I dont feel my pain [01:30.87]我是撒旦,我感觉不到我的疼痛 [01:31.52]I have a demons soul [01:34.29]我有恶魔的灵魂 [01:34.54]Black blood running through [01:36.57]流淌着黑色的血液 [01:36.77]Im the opposite of Snow [01:38.72]我和白雪截然相反 [01:38.91]In my eyes, only the rich [01:41.05]在我眼里只有富有 [01:41.26]**** that,I am a giant tooth shark in the sea [01:44.93]我是海中的巨齿鲨 [01:45.14]Eating those big fish [01:46.18]专门吃那些大鱼 [01:46.39]You can see the bones on the beach [01:48.86]你们可以看到尸骨在沙滩上 [01:54.36]