Ring the bell! Wrapped in black ruins Lost among grey, solemn tombs Storming and witching my cadaveric sleep For all of the sudden The abyss spreads its fangs And the pale light is soon devoured! Whisper to me of your dead necropolis... Oh putrefaction adorn me again Obscene and magnificent in all its forms Wrapped a vapor Once born of fog and virtue Infesting and blessing these stigmata plagues A failing shade embracing My shadow long denied Ancient and feared: Thundering golgotha Silently breed and then sing to me Of the thorns, the pain and its horrors... Once again Soul! Fire! Nails and darkness! Soul! Fire! Nails and darkness! Requiem aeternam dona eis, domine; In memoria aeterna erit iustus Ab auditione mala non timebit. Absolve domine animas Omnium fidelium defunctorum Ob omno vinculo delictorum Et gratia tua illis succurente Mereantur evadere iudicium ultionis, Et lucis aeternae beatitudine perfrui Tuba mirum spargens sonum Per sepulchra regionum, Coget omnes ante thronum. Wrapped in black ruins Lost among grey, solemn tombs Storming and witching my cadaveric sleep And there stood the abyss With is mouth open wide Devouring, relentless, devouring! Whisper to me, of your dead necropolis Obscene... And sleep... And sleep! While you became your own tomb! Soul! Fire! Nails and darkness! Soul! Fire! Nails and darkness! A thousand psalms of penitence To wash away this rust from your nails But I know too well the nature of man [06:14.03 [06:19.21 [06:23.30 [06:27.94 [06:32.61 [06:37.13 [06:41.87 [06:46.40