[00:06.50]豆豆,我们相爱一年了,OH YEAH,我记得那些秋夜, 白桦树叶簌簌响; 愿白昼变得短暂, 愿月光照得时间更长 [00:45.53]Sit there and count your fingers [00:55.75]What can you do [01:01.43]Old girl you\'re through [01:07.48]Just sit there and count your little fingers [01:20.39]Unlucky little girl blue. [01:25.26] [01:32.58]Just sit there and count the raindrops [01:43.70]Falling on you [01:51.48]It\'s time you knew [01:59.52]All you can count on [02:02.63]Are the raindrops [02:08.24]That fall on little girl blue [02:19.82]No use old girl [02:26.16]You may as well surrender [02:36.02]Your hopes are getting slender [02:45.41]Why won\'t somebody send a tender blue boy [03:03.58]To cheer up little girl blue [03:10.18]午夜初眠梦见了你, 我从这美梦里醒来, 风儿正悄悄地呼吸, 星星放射着光彩; 午夜初眠梦见了你 [04:05.53]No use old girl [04:12.24]You may as well surrender [04:21.79]Your hopes are getting slender [04:30.33]Why won\'t somebody send a tender blue boy [04:47.60]To cheer up little girl blue