作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 When I go home alone 我独自一人回家 drive past the place where I was born 驶过我出生的地方 And the places that I used to drink 和我曾经喝过酒的地方 Young and drunk and stumbling in the street 少不更事 醉醺醺游走在街道上 Outside the Joiners Arms like foals unsteady on their feet 在Joiners Arm酒店外像小驹一般颤抖着站立 With the art students and the boys in bands 身边走过学艺术的学生和乐队里的男孩 High on E and holding hands with someone that I just met 喝得太醉 牵着我刚刚认识的人的双手 I thought "it doesn't get 我以为不会有什么比这样更好 Better than this 比这样更好 There can be nothing better than this 没有什么感觉能比这样更好 Better than this" 比这样更好 And we climbed onto the roof, the museum 我们爬上博物馆的屋顶 And someone made love in the ground 有人在玻璃窗里** And I'd forgotten my name 我愿意忘记我的名姓 And the way back to my mother's house 还有回到妈妈家的道路 With your black cool eyes and your bitten lips 只要看着你的漆黑眼眸 咬着的唇 The world is at your fingertips 我的整个世界就在你的指尖 It doesn't get better than this 没有什么能胜过这样 What else could be better than this? 还有什么能够比这样更好 Oh, don't you know I have seen 难道你不知道我曾目睹 I have seen the fields aflame 那田野肆意燃起 and everything I ever did 我所做的一切 Was just another way to scream your name 不过是呼唤你名字的另一种方式 Over and over and over and over again 一次又一次 一次又一次 Over and over and over and over again 一次又一次 一次又一次 And we're just children wanting children of our own 我们不过是渴望彼此唯自己独属的孩童 i wanted space to watch things grow 只想要一片空间 去看万物生长 But did I dream too big? 我的梦是否太过宏大 Do I have to let it go? 我是否必须释怀 What if one day there is no such thing as snow? 如果有一天世界上再没有雪花飘落又会如何 Oh God, what do I know? 哦上帝 我又如何知晓 And I don't know anything 我什么也无从而晓 Except that green is so green 除了那青草依旧葱茏 And there's a special kind of sadness that seems to come with spring 有一种别样的悲伤却随着春天悄悄来到 Oh, don't you know I have seen 难道你不知道我曾目睹 i have seen the fields aflame 看那田野肆意燃起 And everything I ever did 我所做的一切 Was just another way to scream your name 不过是呼唤你名字的另一种方式 Over and over and over and over again 一次又一次 一次又一次