[00:00.000] 作词 : 走极端ZJD/乌增nino/A.Scuba [00:01.000] 作曲 : Furyl [00:04.710]后期:小卫 [00:15.954]************************************************************************************************** [00:21.453]That lil mama i been knocking that door(不断地敲门 不断地进入) [00:25.459]got your lil mama walk on me i mean like wow(你的宝贝儿向我走来 惊叹于她的美丽) [00:27.954]Got your lil mama do that got your lil mama shaking her as(让她对我趋之若鹜 对我沉醉痴迷) [00:32.462]Got your lilma ma shaking as like ohhh(她妩媚的姿态让我目不转睛) [00:37.705]************************************************************************************************** [00:41.443]That lil mama i been knocking that door(不断地敲门 不断地进入) [00:43.456]got your lil mama walk on me i mean like wow(你的宝贝儿向我走来 惊叹于她的美丽) [00:44.702]Got your lil mama do that got your lil mama shaking her as(让她对我趋之若鹜 对我沉醉痴迷) [00:48.456]Got your lilma ma shaking as like ohhh(她妩媚的姿态让我目不转睛) [00:49.215]pick pick pick IT up [00:50.711]十岁超越all your ***** rapper十倍 [00:52.205]heat heat heat up [00:53.962]词汇足以将这整首撕碎 [00:55.715]敌对都在避讳与我交手 [00:57.958]媲美克劳福德晃人抛投 [00:59.703]tryna find a way却碰到刀头 [01:01.948]越来越多逆境对我像是火上浇油 [01:03.713]****************************************** [01:05.704]let me show you How I k*ll my coach(我给你看我手撕教练) [01:07.960]pvssy never know these what I told(婊贝都听不懂我说的) [01:09.946]all you ********** boy just Bad joke (你们只不过是个不怎么样的笑话) [01:11.954]从不排除过去也能学会新的方式 [01:13.451]暴风之中走过才能得到金的箱子 [01:15.463]未有任何同路全部都是临时相识 [01:17.702]可能你又想了 看看哥们拼的样子 [01:19.459]放肆 全部都该撞死 这场子太 多人 [01:22.457]都是装饰派 样子怪 还 让事态 [01:24.701]变得风起波澜 but thats alright(但都没关系) [01:25.960]我握紧舵盘 把事情做完 [01:29.709]被当成陀螺转 没事背打绝杀德罗赞 [01:36.211]************************************************************************************************** [01:42.213]That lil mama i been knocking that door(不断地敲门 不断地进入) [01:45.702]got your lil mama walk on me i mean like wow(你的宝贝儿向我走来 惊叹于她的美丽) [01:48.455]Got your lil mama do that got your lil mama shaking her as(让她对我趋之若鹜 对我沉醉痴迷) [01:52.204]Got your lilma ma shaking as like ohhh(她妩媚的姿态让我目不转睛) [01:54.957]************************************************************************************************** [01:57.700]That lil mama i been knocking that door(不断地敲门 不断地进入) [01:59.952]got your lil mama walk on me i mean like wow(你的宝贝儿向我走来 惊叹于她的美丽) [02:04.446]Got your lil mama do that got your lil mama shaking her as(让她对我趋之若鹜 对我沉醉痴迷) [02:07.955]Got your lilma ma shaking as like ohhh(她妩媚的姿态让我目不转睛) [02:10.206]Hater been hating on me i was like who(黑子们还在恨我 如同隔靴搔痒 让我嗤之以鼻) [02:12.459]balling like drew tasting some soup(球技如同德鲁 品尝琼浆玉液) [02:14.451]i m a dead pool with my best crew (和我最好的兄弟们 我像是si侍) [02:16.706]C'est la vie I M LIke J.I.d(这就是人生 我想是 J.I.D) [02:18.212]Paper rolling on me stumble on pee crumble on this [02:20.446](我在钞票浴 他们得了前lie腺医疗问题 把这些杂物弄碎) [02:20.953]May i see get you a T I P(也许我知道了 给你搞点消费) [02:22.710]Hater chocking tone we bumble on seek humble crown wrist(黑子的卡壳腔调让我们蹒跚于探索 夺不走我的谦逊皇冠) [02:24.701]********************************************************* [02:25.959]look alive Hook a guy get it titles dry (赶快 捧上某个弟弟 让他变干) [02:28.214]die with my eyes(死于我的双眸) [02:28.951]Parden ? it's a garden(什么?这是公园) [02:30.197]******************************************************************* [02:31.949]****************************************************************** [02:35.447]others Really just cant bother my ******* slaughter(其他人 真的没法阻止我的大tu sha) [02:37.207]********************************************* [02:38.704]all popper s bluffer(折磨着 伦敦的野蛮人帮派谈料 全是漫天唬人烟花) [02:39.958]软中华硬玉溪青海我们只抽青海湖 [02:41.954]不想和你去比每天像是活在西雅图 [02:43.713]总之玩的就是超级舒服 [02:45.205]不用老qian你也不懂我们玩的路数 [02:47.461]ya know real young and rich(你知道真正的黄小子年轻有为) [02:48.716]他们总爱装can废而且看起来还特别的 [02:51.458]可是兄弟我们不会累有Lamar的DNA钞票上面又叠了一层灰 [02:55.449]诶 黄小子混迹在了中东像是飞在空中神敲门doom doom doom [02:59.952]废话再别对我怂恿兰博基尼冲冲踩尽油门woom woom woom [03:03.716]级别low的fake rapper(冒牌说唱歌手)嘴巴够丑 [03:05.955]这个圈子乌烟瘴气已经受够 [03:07.956]popo盯着小爷我也不会收手 [03:10.195]要让青海印满走极端的loco [03:11.711]go 大步向前走 [03:13.958]现在一群跟风都faker像小狗 [03:15.209]************************* [03:19.210]狠货都藏在了兜 [03:19.708]oh no 把你的人气偷走 [03:21.953]而且必须要做到globel [03:24.196]和卡戴珊姐妹来拍张photo [03:26.207]你该去 biubiubiu [03:27.960]************************************************************************************************** [03:33.705]That lil mama i been knocking that door(不断地敲门 不断地进入) [03:37.707]got your lil mama walk on me i mean like wow(你的宝贝儿向我走来 惊叹于她的美丽) [03:39.958]Got your lil mama do that got your lil mama shaking her as(让她对我趋之若鹜 对我沉醉痴迷) [03:44.211]Got your lilma ma shaking as like ohhh(她妩媚的姿态让我目不转睛) [03:47.706]************************************************************************************************** [03:49.960]That lil mama i been knocking that door(不断地敲门 不断地进入) [03:54.458]got your lil mama walk on me i mean like wow(你的宝贝儿向我走来 惊叹于她的美丽) [03:56.716]Got your lil mama do that got your lil mama shaking her as(让她对我趋之若鹜 对我沉醉痴迷) [04:00.961]Got your lilma ma shaking as like ohhh(她妩媚的姿态让我目不转睛)