The blackest of organs lying on the floor throbbing and glistening full of deep bitter wants Dirty blood trickles gushes then torrents flow down to the gutter where nobody knows It clots and hardens under the weight of these mouldy truths Crawling down its black throat All mangled and devastated It festers and decomposes Colourless odourless Without nourishment Its taking hold the pain the narcotic Cutting through the spleen Severing devouring everything The pain of it ploughs me over Frothing heaving sucking the air from my lungs A shelter for maggots Intoxicated rancid distorted sleep the worm vomits vats of despair Twisting shapes from thin air Damaged cells lying everywhere Crawling down its black throat All mangled and devastated It festers and decomposes Colourless odourless Without nourishment