I'm tired of waiting I'm tired of fading I'm sick of being depressed Through all the failing, I'm syncopating... At least it's off my chest Disruptr.Yeah, You're kinda fading... Don't be a baby I'm sick of being obsessed. Through all the mating, Master debating God knows I'd settle for less But...I come from the... Center of the universe And I have no time for these... Distractions. Disruptr.Somebody get me alone, I need to feel at home I need a brain massage Somebody get me a doctor, I ain't feelin' ill... But I ain't feelin' this at all...no... I COME FRO M THECENTE R OF THE U NIVERSEAND I HAVE NO TIME FOR T HESESYMPTO MS OF YOUR UNIVERSEI COME FROM THE...MAST ER OF THE UNIVERSEAN D I HAVE N O TIME FOR THESEDISTR ACTIONS!!! So here's what it means to be, BE A MAN A BOUT ITYou DON'T forget the family, BE A MANAnd so what if it KILLS you, oh be a MAN about it BE A GODDA MN MAN, BO Y!...oh, be a man about it all... Let's go down to the beach...we'll see the moon... I come for thee, 'master of the universe'... And I have no time for these... Symptoms of your universe... I come for thee, 'center of the universe'... And I have no time for these Symptoms of your universe... I COME FOR THE CENTER OF THE UNI VERSEAND I HAVE NO TI ME FOR THE SE DISTRAC TIONS!!!Slaving the way for the darks sons of ion... The world...the world isn't safe... SHUT IT.