鏍囬锛欳atatonic North 涓撹緫锛歋treams Inwards 鑹烘湳瀹讹細Mar De Grises 閲戝睘鈥斺旀ⅵ锛歬lm銆佹垬閿ゃ佺緮缇 [01:01.79 Blinding sparkles Of humidity Every morning, Since the beginning. Faded memories kept Waiting for me. Sweet childhood, Dissipating and innocent Too short to grab it back Surrounded by a burning sea Vanished at any dusk. North, give me hope [03:57.17 Catatonic north, wait for me Because I wait for you. Always jealous, always the same Smiling on spring's eve You, prowling around madness Descend one last time Warm, lovesome winters They scourged my timid essence Rotting me until getting me drunk, Until I reached beauty... Give me hope, Catatonic north, Wait for me cause I wait for you