Alone on a train aimless in wonder 独自坐在没有目的地的列车 An outdated map crumbled in my pocket 过时的地图被我撕碎 塞在口袋 But I didn't care where I was going 无所谓我将去往何处 'Cause they're all different names for the same place. 结果无非是殊途同归 The coast disappeared when the sea drowned the sun 当夕阳被海面吞噬 海岸逐渐消失 And I knew no words to share with anyone 我已词穷 无法描述这般景致 The boundaries of language I quietly cursed 我在心中咒骂自己语言的匮乏 And all the different names for the same thing 反正结果都是殊途同归 There are different names for the same things 结果都是殊途同归 There are different names for the same things... 结果都是殊途同归