[00:00.000] 作词 : Tom Rosenthal [00:01.000] 作曲 : Tom Rosenthal [00:02.63]When was the last time you wandered down a road? [00:06.53]Just for the sake of it [00:08.12]And have you ever been to a place [00:09.97]Just because it was a place and you have two good feet? [00:15.82]Some people will say: [00:17.36]"You need a plan" [00:19.21]But there is nothing wrong with not knowing where you are going [00:23.44]Lots of runners running about these days [00:25.59]Running past everything [00:28.85]Go on any train, bus, plane, [00:30.35]And you'll see people who have stopped looking out of windows [00:36.28]Don't be one of them [00:40.42] [00:46.96]You may say [00:47.91]"I've been down these streets before" and that's okay [00:52.05]But possibility is never gone [00:55.00]Aimless they say is without aim [00:56.90]But I have never seen purpose stop the rain [01:00.58]On any street corner, you may find the lights of your day [01:03.37]The soul of your hour, the dark of your minute, the love of your life [01:09.00]Or maybe not [01:10.40]But you may find something you haven't already got [01:14.44]Of course, not all of the days can be magic days that stun and amaze [01:19.04]But possible you may find a lonely smile that sings and cures [01:23.39]Or even better, you might find yours [01:26.24] [01:47.53]That world that's in your pocket is not the world [01:51.87]The world is the one that lies before your feet [01:55.86]And the people that we meet [01:58.26]The smells, the sounds, the sights, the skies [02:02.50]Tell the world that you are ready and it replies [02:06.30]You see I'm not sure what the secret to happiness is [02:09.64]But I'm pretty sure it starts when you go outside