作词 : Claux 作曲 : DE_SCC/Elope You lost your words or you had a fight, 你喉间哽咽 或是饱经挣扎, Feel like the world is tumbling down, 整个世界仿佛瞬间坍塌, You tried to scream but no one's there, 你高声呼喊而无人回顾, Chicken soup won't get you through the night, 鸡汤也没法熬过漫漫长夜, Don't get me wrong, 嘿 可是别心灰意冷, You're not alone, 你并不是孤身一人, Wipe your eyes and look up at the sky, 睁大双眼 抬头看向天穹, All of the stars, 那里有着所有的星辰, They're shining bright, 闪烁着温柔光芒, The dark won't bring them down, 黑暗也无法让星星坠落, You'll be alright, 你终将安然自适, You'll be alright...alright, 你终将被温柔以待...alright, You'll be alright...alright, 你定会被温柔以待...alright, You're not alone...alone, 你并不是孤单一人...alone, You're not alone...alone, 你并不是孤身一人...alone, You'll be alright, 你终将被温柔以待, You lost your friends or you lost your love, 你错失挚友 或是弄丢了爱情, Made up your mind and tried to live a life, 曾下定决心为生命真谛而活, You know the truth, 你明白现实如何, There's no way out, 困境已无路可解, You hurt everyone just being yourself, 令他人经受伤痛 而你鲜明如初, Don't get me wrong, 嘿 可是别误解了我, You're not alone, 你并不是孤身一人, Wipe your eyes and look up at the sky, 睁大双眼 抬头看向天穹, All of the stars, 那里有着所有的星辰, They're shining bright, 闪烁着温柔光芒, The dark won't bring them down, 黑暗也无法让星星坠落, You'll be alright, 你终会安然自适。