[00:43.01]嚟自街頭嘅文化你覺得唔文雅 [00:45.72]所謂上流其實最下流最嚇人怕 [00:48.07]用文化去搵錢用知識去行騙 [00:50.83]啲知識份子擪住塊屎片當字典 [00:53.57]模糊嘅事件搞到混亂咗我視線 [00:56.04]行屍滿街跟住肉走好黐線 [00:58.47]冷冷嘅城市冷漠人太無情 [01:01.10]究竟邊個夠膽話佢雙目失明 [01:03.62]又有邊個夠膽出嚟抱打不平 [01:06.15]冇得停嘅侵蝕令我哋冇得靜 [01:08.91]地下嘅革命流行格殺令 [01:11.73]已經施發號令冇辦法煞停 [01:14.20]I am a soldier, I got the power [01:16.92]UpoothesunsHine AND CHEE 就嚟爆喇 [01:22.23]I GOT THE GUN THEY GOT the GANJA [01:24.45]歌詞係子彈再壓住每個韻吧 [01:25.70]Cha Cha: [01:26.12]已經有太多人在我面前倒下 [01:27.04]你不來也罷我知道你會害怕 [01:29.49]是我控制的能力太過於強大 [01:32.01]像流動的沙把一切都埋在地下 [01:34.91]越是無法逃脫越是要掙扎 [01:37.36]越是逆境越要拿得起放得下 [01:39.92]越是嚮往越要保持遙遠的距離 [01:42.58]讓內心在自己的意念中強大 [01:45.07]你並不知道我是誰 [01:47.43]你們怎麼叫我也無所謂 [01:50.05]我只能分辨 白與黑 錯與對 [01:52.90]是與非 真與偽 神與鬼 進與退 [01:55.65]我們隱藏在你身邊 [01:57.82]並不確定什麼時候會出現 [02:00.34]隨著四季更迭時間改變 [02:03.43]我們都在世間萬物循環裏面 [02:05.38]MC Didje: [02:06.02]Yo ! [02:06.56]say, Gimme the T for the team we are [02:07.91]when we are together, when the beat is looped and the mc's hooked [02:09.40]dropping lines for the better [02:10.90]Gimme the E, for equality, fighting with our reality, cos united we stand and this is our proof of quality [02:13.43]A is for the attitude, watch out for your latitude, we're coming up with a big M and it got a mega magnitude [02:15.96]I don't want no feud, but i don't wanna flee, [02:18.93]We're bringing you down with a way better vibe you can never find on TV, [02:22.72]Don't spend too much time on CCTV [02:24.43]Didjelirium on the mic to smash your TV, [02:27.38]Shanghai, Guangzhou, Every chinese city, pump up the volume, we bring ya activity [02:36.53]Uprooted Sunshine on the control [02:37.36]Jing Qi Shen on the control [02:40.45]Shanghai, Guangzhou on the control [02:44.76]Flowing over China, yes you know how we roll ! [02:47.24]MC Arminda [02:47.97]Eu vivo, logo vejo, logo digo penso, logo existo [02:52.92]logo escrevo e descrevo o que vejo e digo aquilo que penso [02:58.04]yo yo yo vou te imformar Arminda esta na casa pro uprooted representar say [03:02.54]yo yo yo vou te imformar Arminda esta na casa pro uprooted representar [03:07.60]vem sentir a emocao com o uprooted nao vais parar [03:12.85]vem curtir nao digas que nao e boa gente vais gostar [03:17.81]yo yo yo vou te imformar Arminda esta na casa pro uprooted representar [03:23.40]yo yo yo vou te imformar Arminda esta na casa pro uprooted representar [03:28.18]MC ESIA [03:28.82]Allez c'est parti, donc je m'introduis [03:30.71]Esi, Esia représente en France et en Chine [03:34.07]Représente Uprooted et pas les new kids on the block [03:36.43]5 ans déjà à tourner en Chine à mettre des calottes. [03:38.86]Tu nous vois grandir, comme le haricot magique [03:41.50]Mais nos cranes restent de la même taille , non pas de panique [03:43.89]Dans toutes les villes en Chine, nos refrains ils les pratiquent, [03:48.73]Ca ne m'empêche pas de rester les pieds sur terre avec mon bic [03:51.88]GuangZhou / Shanghai connection [03:57.04]Y a U point S , y a la chee production [04:05.19]Avec fai bao pour la collaboration [04:07.08]Voila les 7 de la Uprooted Section [04:09.04]Tu vois la Chine, la Suisse, le Québec, ?a fait ChaCha, Deville, I . [04:10.13]Arminda pour le Portugal , Drunk Monk pour le Royaume Uni [04:10.59]Didjelirium représentant de Tahiti [04:10.82]C'est Uprooted Sunshine, c'est tatoué dans mon dos pour la vie. [04:11.01]你並不知道我是誰 [04:12.14]你們怎麼叫我也無所謂 [04:14.69]我只能分辨 白與黑 錯與對 [04:16.58]是與非 真與偽 神與鬼 進與退 [04:20.52]我們隱藏在你身邊 [04:22.49]並不確定什麼時候會出現 [04:24.69]隨著四季更迭時間改變 [04:27.26]我們都在世間萬物循環裏面 [04:31.34]