作曲 : Anonymous Unknown 'Twas the night before battle and gathered in groups The soldiers lay close at their quarters They were thinking no doubt of the dear ones at home Of mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters With his pipe in his mouth sat a dashing young blade And a song he was lilting quite gaily It was honest Pat Murphy of Meagher's Brigade And he sang of the sprig of shillelagh Och murder, says Pat, it's a shame for to see Brothers fighting in such a queer manner But I'll fight till I die, if I shouldn't be kilt For America's bright starry banner Now if it was only John Bull to the forе I'd rush into battle quite gaily For the spalpeen I'd rap with a hеart and a half With my elegant sprig of shillelagh Jeff Davis, you thief, if I had you but here Your beautiful plans I'd be ruinin' Faith, I'd give you a taste of my bayonet, bedad For trying to burst up the Union There's a crowd in the North too, and they're just as bad Abolitionist spouters so scaly For troubling the Negros I think they deserve A whack from a sprig of shillelagh The morning soon came and poor Paddy awoke On the Rebels to have satisfaction And the drummers were beating the Devil's tattoo Calling the boys into action Then the Irish Brigade in the battle was seen Their blood in our cause shedding freely With their bayonet charges they rushed on the foe With a shout for the land of Shillelagh The battle was over, the dead lay in heaps Pat Murphy lay bleedin' and gory A hole through his head from a rifleman's shot Had finished his passion for glory No more in the camp shall his laughter be heard Nor his voice singing ditties so gaily Like a hero he died for the Land of the Free Far away from the land of Shillelagh Then surely Columbia can never forget While valor and fame hold communion How nobly the brave Irish Volunteers fought In defense of the flag of our Union If ever Old Ireland for freedom should strike We'll a helping hand offer quite freely And the Stars and the Stripes shall be seen alongside Of the flag of the land of Shillelagh It was honest Pat Murphy of Meagher's Brigade And he sang of the sprig of shillelagh