[00:00.000] 作词 : 1mmarealartistfromlife [00:00.598] 作曲 : 无/无 [00:01.197]编曲;adamj beats [00:02.951]混音:MIN JD [00:04.205]作词:DK九條 [00:11.705]作曲; DK九條 [00:13.202]There are heart on the sole [00:13.458]鞋底上印着好多小心心 [00:14.455]Im standing out of the door [00:14.700]我在门外看着你 [00:15.952]I Always pray to the lord [00:16.197]我虔诚的祈祷 [00:17.708]u see love is grow [00:17.950]让我们的爱增长 [00:19.205]she is greatest in the school [00:19.447]她是学校成绩最好的女孩 [00:20.703]she so bright never go to booze [00:20.958]她好聪明也不会喝的烂醉 [00:22.202]wanna buy her a converse shoe [00:22.453]真的想给她买那双情人节限定 [00:23.699]falling love want get a tattoo [00:23.951]想把恋爱纹在身上 [00:25.207]Woo that was hurt [00:25.207]哦,那可能会很疼 [00:26.448]she look at me smiles no dirt [00:26.706]但是她在微笑着看着我 [00:27.957]Oh i still dont know how to flirt [00:28.203]哎,可我不知道怎么撩她 [00:28.203]If i know it i will be a lil jerk [00:29.454]如果知道了我肯定会变成一个小渣男 [00:30.455]Oh yes sir [00:30.698]哦,是的 [00:32.197]I don't give thing bout the freaking curse [00:32.463]我才不管那些流言蜚语呢 [00:33.450]Finnish the verse at the first [00:34.706]先唱完这首歌,在这之前 [00:35.703]we will be get marry in the church [00:35.957]我想在教堂完成我们的婚礼好不好? [00:37.455]Travel around the world gonna be the second [00:37.953]环游世界成为了其次的选择 [00:39.950]That's what was she has been written [00:40.208]我记得她曾经跟我说过 [00:41.949]Give me a second she must be a elven [00:41.949]等一下,她是个小精灵 [00:44.201]Kitty playing the lemon [00:44.455]像小猫在玩耍 [00:47.198]so cute but she must overd seven [00:47.198]好可爱啊,但她已经过了幼稚的年纪 [00:50.459]i got something want let her know [00:50.956]我想告诉她这些事情 [00:52.954]trying to make my voice deeper and low [00:53.200]悄悄的在她耳边诉说 [00:56.448]keep loving yeah oh my baby [00:57.957]一直爱着吧 一直爱着吧 [00:58.456]keep fighting yeah pretty lady [01:11.910]继续奋斗吧 继续奋斗吧 [01:12.164]ur eyes sprkle like biling binling bling [01:14.418]你的眼睛里面有光 布林布林的闪 [01:14.917]lets go to the bar have drink drink drink [01:17.413]我们去酒吧给你买饮料喝 [01:19.164]oh ur favorite food is chiken wings [01:20.410]你喜欢吃鸡翅是吗? [01:21.662]i can cook for u if u marry me [01:23.416]我可会做饭啦!如果你嫁给我的话 [01:25.167]keep fresh dont wanna be a greasy man [01:26.411]保持清爽,不想当个油腻男 [01:27.409]just like u said that is not ur type [01:29.418]因为你说那不是你的菜 [01:32.668]stare at ur spakle eyes through the thick lens [01:32.914]透过你的镜片看你的星星眼 [01:34.165]oh fxxk girl i miss u so bad [01:35.664]哎,我真的好想你啊 [01:37.418]girl how to get ur attention [01:38.415]姑娘我该怎么得到你的注意 [01:39.913]love inflaming the passion [01:40.167]恋爱真是让人紧张 [01:41.166]what going to happen [01:41.666]如果我是钢铁侠你是我的磁铁 [01:42.410]im iron man u r magnet [01:42.664]接下来会发生什么呢? [01:44.661]woo singing like brook in the one piece [01:45.160]像海贼王里的布鲁克大声唱着我的情歌 [01:47.169]sanji i want a cheese pizza cuz she likes it [01:47.169]嘿,山治,来份披萨因为那是她的最爱 [01:50.163]i got something want let her know [01:52.160]我想告诉她这些事情 [01:53.159]i trying to make my voice deeper and low [01:53.917]悄悄的在她耳边诉说 [01:56.665]keep loving yeah oh my baby [01:56.910]一直爱着你啊 一直爱着你啊 [01:58.163]keep fighting yeah pretty lady [02:00.916]继续奋斗吧 继续奋斗吧