Tick-tock the clock ticks to zero Right now the world needs a hero Maybe that’s me but I’ve got voices in my head They’re talking about revolution Suggesting I’m the solution Stand like a man but here I’m hanging by a little thread Twisted reflection, perception Just what do I see In this mirror, it’s clearer to me, that… CHORUS It’s a tangled web It’s a tangled web I’m weaving It’s a tangled web Hello again, I must be leaving Can’t stop the yarn I am spinning Straight faced or am I still grinning Don’t know, can’t tell, oh well, it’s all just a crazy game I’m too close to the danger Of living life like a stranger This place, this face I see is me, but it’s not the same Losing perspective, selective And hazy memory It seems like a dream, but it’s no fantasy, that… REPEAT CHO RUS They’re talking ‘bout revolution Suggesting I’m the solution Not just surviving, reviving This life that I lead In this mirror, it’s clearer to me Right now the world needs a hero