This is not an exit! This is not an exit... I need to feel something American Psycho my confession means...nothing! Abandon all hope-ye who enter here Pre-meditated-calculated I can smell the fear Don't try to tell the truth Just black and blue your eyes Graphic signs of beauty I've become what I despise Leaned into the light now I'm crucified Flesh-Blood- Teeth NOT LIES! Later that night Is how the story goes Rent-Rewind Return my voices THIS IS NO T AN EXIT THIS IS NO T AN EXIT... I NEED TO FEEL SOMET HING AMERI CAN PSYCHO MY CONFESS ION MEANS NOTHING... AMERICAN P SYCHO NOTH ING...AMER ICAN PSYCH O This is no attempt to pre-empt my own death I won't kill myself & I'm not taking requests The machine has left me scarred Scared of it's insanity I've burned to many bridges To pretend to be Holy Honesty is ugly So we don't have a deal Flesh-blood-tongue I'M REAL! Later that night is how the story goes Rent-Rewind Return my voices THIS IS NO T AN EXIT THIS IS NO T AN EXIT... I NEED TO FEEL SOMET HING AMERI CAN PSYCHO MY CONFESS ION MEANS NOTHING... AMERICAN P SYCHO NOTH ING...AMER ICAN PSYCH O No matter how profane- Sacred or insane Painfully pre occupied - It's always still the same The killer is inside of me- Don't try to take my life I've burned all my hatchets-but I've sharpened my knives WHAT? ****! THIS IS NO T AN EXIT THIS IS NO T AN EXIT... I NEED TO FEEL SOMET HING AMERI CAN PSYCHO MY CONFESS ION MEANS NOTHING... AMERICAN P SYCHO NOTH ING...AMER ICAN PSYCH O This is not an exit....