作词 : Jon lajoie 作曲 : Jon lajoie B: Oh great, more singing, right on time Q: Listen, Bruce B: Who’s Bruce?(Whoo) Q: It’s nothing personal(Whoa) It’s just I’ve dated men like you before and you’re just not my type (My type) Never around during the day only come out at night (That’s right) Emotionally wounded, dark and brooding all the time (Boo hoo) Hanging around with clowns, I don’t need that in my life I ain’t Selina Kyle, I ain’t no Vicky Vale I was never into you even when you were Christian Bale B: I’m more of a Keaton guy myself Q: Oh, I loved him as Beetlejuice I’m just not into Gotham City guys B: Well, yeah, we’re flawed but that’s what makes us so relateable Q: I’m just not into guys who can’t fly B: I can fly Q: The Batwing can fly Rich boys with gadgets are not my type B:What is your type? Q: Kryptonian men are my kryptonite Gross! Q:I’m just not into Gotham City guys B(solo):So what?! You’re not into me. I don’t care But like, listen up! You’re clearly (Whoo) just confused Gotham dudes are the best We have deep manly(Whoo) voice and insanely ripped pecs (Hey) We're Affleck-level hot (Whoo) And we're Oprah-level rich (Whoo) With George Clooney-level Charm And Val Kilmer lips We worked for our powers (Whoo) Cause we're self-made men We didn't just get them from the sun like an entitled alien Go on one date with me and You'll change your mind Q: Unsubscribe I'm just not into Gotham City guys B:Give me a chance Q:No thank you, hard pass I'm just not into guys who don't wear tights B:I used to wear tights, ask Adam West Q:I'm looking for a husband Someone to share my crown And Gotham men are playboys Who would never settle down Unlike other superheroes Who are strong and not afraid Of commitment and relationships I won't name any names But I'll leave you a hint He's made of steel And wears a red cape