[00:00.000] 作词 : Hiago [00:00.967] 作曲 : Hiago [00:01.935]I need an answer to all the pain [00:02.687](不幸降至之前) [00:06.938]Before all the shame comes back again [00:09.689](让我克服痛苦) [00:12.431]Meeting my maker waiting in vain [00:15.180](痛苦来临之至) [00:17.689]Before all the pain comes back again [00:20.442](我见到我的主) [00:22.180]我爱她爱到骨里没骨气 [00:23.436]却还是一直爱着 [00:24.934]太多问题把我们隔离而 [00:26.187]身边人一直看着 [00:27.684]那天夜里 我跟她说 [00:28.939]imma be the star(我要成为明星) [00:30.179]通向全世界 [00:31.435]black card &black car (黑卡和黑色汽车) [00:32.933]又不是没见过别骗我她说我的话就像念经 [00:35.684]Talkin like that **** (说的都是废话) [00:37.434]其实我早就已经看轻 [00:38.691]承受越多 才能以后如屡薄冰 [00:40.933]我想着自己 却忽略她早已变心 [00:43.935]我知道你受过的痛 [00:45.437]也懂你做过的梦 [00:46.689]那些睡梦里的煎熬习惯精神紧绷 [00:49.431]去寻找一个better的form [00:50.685]To live my life (延续我的生命) [00:52.181]来缓解咬牙的痛 [00:53.436]Even sacrifice my life (就算牺牲自己) [00:54.934]三个人穿三双鞋 [00:56.186]But I can’t fit in em (但我却不能体会) [00:57.684]Sometimes I kill my pain (有时我尝试忘记痛苦) [00:58.939]To make it minimum (让其最小化) [01:00.436]三个人三道伤疤 [01:01.689]But I can’t feel em (但我却不能体会) [01:03.188]Sometimes I kill my pain (有时我尝试忘记痛苦) [01:04.432]To make it minimum (让其最小化) [01:06.939]I need an answer to all the pain [01:09.688](不幸降至之前) [01:12.437]Before all the shame comes back again [01:14.682](让我克服痛苦) [01:17.933]Meeting my maker waiting in vain [01:20.683](痛苦来临之至) [01:23.436]Before all the pain comes back again [01:26.187](我见到我的主) [01:27.683]你可能信我或不信我我是真的在害怕 [01:30.180]怕被厌恶想被羡慕怕被天赋给落下 [01:32.934]So I singing aloud (所以我高声放歌) [01:33.931]习惯夜晚莺歌像在清晨 [01:35.940]Smoking that pot (烟雾缭绕) [01:37.182]就算从未满腹经纶 [01:38.436]没有保留喜欢独处习惯写词和扣flow [01:41.186]Let the blank thought take me to the unknown big zone (让天马行空的想法带我去到思想的伊甸园) [01:43.940]社交病痛全部并拢依次跟我照面 [01:46.691]我讨厌朋友害怕你不能理解我表示抱歉 [01:49.431]他们万一对我排挤继续没有意义的抱怨 [01:52.182]他们猜测他们怀疑嘴里一直说让我靠边 [01:54.689]悼念这个朋友他也想 [01:56.432]fight to the disease (向抑郁抗争) [01:57.684]希望下次见面能够不再继续逃避 [02:00.437]三个人穿三双鞋 [02:01.690]But I can’t fit in em (但我却不能体会) [02:02.935]Sometimes I kill my pain (有时我尝试忘记痛苦) [02:04.432]To make it minimum (让其最小化) [02:05.941]三个人三道伤疤 [02:07.181]But I can’t feel em (但我却不能体会) [02:08.436]Sometimes I kill my pain (有时我尝试忘记痛苦) [02:09.690]To make it minimum (让其最小化) [02:12.430]I need an answer to all the pain [02:15.180](不幸降至之前) [02:17.688]Before all the shame comes back again [02:20.184](让我克服痛苦) [02:23.437]Meeting my maker waiting in vain [02:26.186](痛苦来临之至) [02:28.684]Before all the pain comes back again [02:31.192](我见到我的主) [02:33.187]You left me in vein (你让我徒劳) [02:34.432]You left me in pain (你让我痛苦) [02:35.685]Why can’t we be (但我们何尝不能) [02:37.180]Just like the same (共生共存) [02:38.437]你在乎我的作品吗 [02:39.934]听的只是过瘾吗 [02:41.186]看过我的歌词吗 [02:42.686]只当作一般货品吗 [02:43.941]You left me in vein (你让我徒劳) [02:45.181]You left me in pain (你让我痛苦) [02:46.689]Why can’t we be (但我们何尝不能) [02:47.935]Just like the same (共生共存) [02:49.432]你在乎我的作品吗 [02:50.685]听的只是过瘾吗 [02:52.181]看过我的歌词吗 [02:53.438]只当作一般货品吗 [02:54.935]我杀了他们两个 [02:55.934]脑子当时很糊涂 [02:57.432]不同的两个人格 [02:58.941]第三人格是屠夫 [03:00.181]但我依然爱你 [03:01.690]愿陪你走过孤独 [03:03.187]剖开坚硬的外壳 [03:04.186]内心柔软的无助 [03:05.684]我杀了他们三个 [03:07.181]脑子当时很糊涂 [03:08.438]不同的三个人格 [03:09.689]最后走上了绝路 [03:11.186]但我依然念你 [03:12.685]我想跟你同路 [03:13.940]Remember I really need you (我真的需要你) [03:15.936]Just like I need the (就像我需要) [03:18.187]I need an answer to all the pain [03:20.684](不幸降至之前) [03:23.438]Before all the shame comes back again [03:25.934](让我克服痛苦) [03:28.940]Meeting my maker waiting in vain [03:31.691](痛苦来临之至) [03:34.188]Before all the pain comes back again [03:36.683](我见到我的主)