作曲 : Black, Clark, Hudson, Newman It was Christmas day in North Acton And the turkey promised a treat But unfortunately stayed in his wrapping In the butchers just over the street My cooker, you see, was too tiny To taste such traditional fare And I'm not really a bit eater And there was nobody present to share It was Christmas day in North Africa But Nigeria had forgotten the date Sanctioned myrrh from all mankind They delivered the presents of hate They delivered the presents of hate It was the day after Christmas in the South And relatives out in the crowd Shared a final family reunion Boxing the dead in white shrouds Boxing the dead in white shrouds So I settled for steak pie and onions Supplemented with Shreddies and beer Not the common meals delight, I admit it But what did they eat over there? "Merry Christmas" "Pass the Shreddies... any beer left?" "This steaks really good." "Any skins down down there?" "Any more steak pie" "This almost takes like turkey this does"