作词 : DeBurgh Lebanese Nights Mazikana Elissa & Chris De Burgh 这首Lebanese Nights 黎巴嫩之夜 是由有着“黎巴嫩寶石”之称的Elissa 与有“爱尔兰歌神”之誉的Chris De Burgh 合作的一曲名动天下的之作…… 這首感人的歌曲描述了一位歐洲遊客 愛上一位黎巴嫩女人的感人故事 歌曲中,黎巴嫩女人向歐洲遊客 講述了戰爭中她那美麗的家園 講述了甜蜜的搖籃曲和深夜的槍聲 是怎樣一起進入她的睡夢 她想在田野裡翩翩起舞 卻不得不在戰火中奪路而逃 從那由天而降的地獄中逃生 歌曲中的黎巴嫩女人說 我的生命是一個和平不能到達的地方 戰爭中的孩子們什麼都沒有 --所有中文解析与英文歌词 It was late in a Lebanese restaurant in the heat of a Lebanese night There was dancing, people were singing She came in from the garden outside And in her eyes I saw the stars And I felt something happen in my heart Then I knew I was going to meet her in the heat of a Lebanese night And the girl inside the woman who came over to sit by my side And when she smiled the whole world stopped It was then I heard the echoes of a child And did you go to your bed with a sweet lullaby And the sound of the guns in the night And did you dance in the fields did you run for your life From the hell that came down from the sky On a Lebanese night on a Lebanese night We went down to the edge of the water by the light of a Lebanese dawn And she told me all the stories of her beautiful land in the war Her tears fell down, the sun came up And I saw again the young girl in her eyes 有着“黎巴嫩寶石”之称的 黎巴嫩流行樂壇天后Elissa 在中東可謂是家喻戶曉的巨星 她以美麗性感的外表和動人的嗓音 征服了阿拉伯世界、印度次大陸 非洲大部分地區以及地中海沿岸國家 是中東情歌的代名詞 On a Lebanese night on a Lebanese night 由於持續不斷的戰爭 大批黎巴嫩人被迫離鄉背井 到國外謀生 而Elissa便是在流亡中長大 居住在埃及 黎巴嫩境内形成了 海外人口比國内人口更多的奇怪現象 而当黎巴嫩局勢稍微穩定 生活開始走向正軌时 Elissa便决定回國為家鄉人演唱 首场演唱原於黎巴嫩的貝鲁特舉行 黎巴嫩人因此欣喜若狂 提前一個月就搶購了全部門票 黑市價更翻了十幾倍 但就在黎巴嫩歌迷翹首以盼自己的偶像時 演唱會的前兩天 一連串轟炸将黎巴嫩重新陷入戰火 演唱会被迫中止 而此时的Elissa 正在前往貝鲁特的郵輪上 放聲痛哭 --所有中文解析与英文歌词 And did you go to your bed with a sweet lullaby And the sound of the guns in the night And did you dance in the fields did you run for your life From the hell that came down from the sky On a Lebanese night on a Lebanese night on a Lebanese night on a Lebanese night I will be waiting in the Lebanon