作词 : Meghan Trainor/Caitlin Smith/Justin Weaver 作曲 : Meghan Trainor/Caitlin Smith/Justin Weaver I found myself dreaming of silver and gold 就像所有心碎的人都知道的电影中的情节一样 Like a scene from a movie that every broken heart knows 回想起当时我们当时在月光下浪漫的踱步,你把我拉向你让我们距离更近 We were walking on moonlight, you pull me close 那些甜蜜时光都破碎了,取而代之的是你已远去,留下孤单的我独自面对生活 Split second and you disappeared, and then I was all alone 从泪水中醒来,你还在我身边熟睡 Woke up in tears, with you by my side 如释重负地叹了口气,然后我意识到 Breathe of relief, and I realized 不,我们无法承诺明天的幸福美好 No, we're not promised tomorrow 所以我会像将要失去你那般爱你 So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you 我会像对你说再见那样把你抱紧 I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye 不管我们发展到哪一步,我都不会把你对我的好当作理所当然 Wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted 因为我们永远不会知道 Cause we'll never know when 在什么时候我们的时光已经被匆匆耗尽 When we'll run out of time 所以我会像即将失去你那样深爱你 So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you 我会像将要离开你时那般深情 I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you 就在眼睛眨动的瞬间,吞云吐雾,轻声耳语 In the blink of an eye, just a whisper of smoke 你可能失去一切,但你从不会知道这会是在什么时候来临 You could lose everything, the truth is you never know 所以我会吻你更长时间,不会错过每个吻你的机会 So I'll kiss you longer baby, any chance that I get 我会让我们在一起的每一刻都缤纷绚丽,无怨无悔地爱你 I'll make the most of the minutes, and love with no regret 所以让我们慢慢来,说出自己想要的,倾诉彼此爱意 So let's take the time to say what we want 珍惜这段感情,在它消逝之前 Use what we got before it's all gone 因为我和你都无法预见明天 Cuz No, we're not promised tomorrow 所以我会像将要失去你时那般爱你 So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you 我会像在对你说再见时那样把你抱紧 I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye 不管我们发展到哪一步,我都不会把你对我的好当作理所当然 Wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted 因为我们永远不会知道 Cause we'll never know when 在什么时候我们的时光已经被匆匆耗尽 When we'll run out of time 所以我会像将要失去你时那般爱你 So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you 我会像在对你说再见时那样把你抱紧 I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you 我会把心放在你身上 I'm gonna love you 就像快要失去你那样 Like I'm gonna lose you 我会紧紧抱住你 I'm gonna hold you 就像我在进行最后的道别 Like I'm saying goodbye 不管我们发展到哪一步,我都要对你曾给过我的美好报以感激 Wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted 因为我们永远不会知道 Cause we'll never know when 在什么时候我们的时光已经被匆匆耗尽 When we'll run out of time 所以我会像将要失去你时那般爱你 So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you 正因如此,我会像将要失去你时那般爱你