I the Sun ov man 我,万众之日 The offspring ov the stellar race 众星之裔 My halo fallen and crushed upon the earth 吾之晕被于人间 That I may bring balance to this world 燮阴阳于世间! I son ov perdition 我,地狱之子 From sheer nothingness transgressed 越无尽虚无 Unto the highest self – to utmost freedom 达绝对本我 To explore the starry nature ov my rage 启吾殛怒之奥! I pulse ov existence 我,万物之脉 The law ov nature undenied 自然之律 I hold the torch ov Heraclites 执理性之炬 So I can shake the earth and move the suns 吾将改天换地! I divine iconoclast 我,信仰之终 Injecting chaos into my veins 混沌之躯 With life accepted 生命之重塑 With pain resurrected 极恸之重生 Is the embrace ov god in man profound 吾为神之化身! The joy ov a dawn 朝之欢愉 The ecstasy ov dusk 暮之狂喜 Nourished have I this karmic flow 轮回之业 Where great above meets great below 阴阳之聚 Let it be written! 终将被记载! Let it be done! 终将被完成! Scattered I walk towards 吾遁入混沌 The fractured light 同光于太虚!