Get ready! Ready to set me off Mob! Get ready! Did you ever have Mob? Get ready! Ready to set me off Mob! Get ready! Coming down Could you feel your satisfaction? You’re a Mob Can’t you feel your frustration? Coming down Could you feel your satisfaction? You’re a Mob What you want to be今? 氾濫してく感情は身に纏ってBreak it down 限界超え見える景色は 99.9! 正體不明のパーセンテージ 暗いMy life 暗いMy sight 暗いMy heart in such uncommon places Is that your deep? Is that your mind? 逆になる時始まる The Mob is right The Mob inside The Mob is the inverse of latent untruth Is that your duty? Is that your why? 今直ぐ YOUR LIFE IS YOUR OWN Get ready! Ready to set me off Mob Get ready! Did you ever have Mob? Get ready! Ready to set me off Mob Get ready! Coming down Could you feel your satisfaction? You’re a Mob Can’t you feel your frustration? Coming down Could you feel your satisfaction? You’re a Mob What you want to be? この舞台の主役踴ろう 暗いMy life 暗いMy sight 暗いMy heart in such uncommon places Is this my deep? Is this my mind? 嗚呼、答えを探してる The Mob is right The Mob inside The Mob is the inverse of latent untruth Is this the day? Is this the time? Ah, desperately 暗いMy life 暗いMy sight 暗いMy heart in such uncommon places Is that your deep? Is that your mind? 逆になる時始まる The Mob is right The Mob inside The Mob is the inverse of latent untruth Is that your duty? Is that your why? 今直ぐ YOUR LIFE IS YOUR OWN Get ready! Ready to set me off Mob Get ready! Did you ever have Mob? Get ready! Ready to set me off Mob Get ready!