作词 : 本帮PQ/M80 作曲 : M80 编曲:M80 不只是玩 Whos gonna battle with me MORE than just playing 1 ON 1 YOU AND ME 不只是玩 拿出你的所有实力 MORE than just playing 1 ON 1 YOU AND ME 不只是玩 MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing 我背后印着3号 黄金一代是番号 叫我Answer街头战术不变的暗号 我把你干倒 就算对手是machael jordan 我也不会慌 1V1单挑 身高最矮得分王 用实力证明自己去粉碎那些质疑 全明星MVP书写AI的传奇 我用Freestyle出专辑 如果你想也可以 Welcome to the YBDL 单挑 You&Me More than just playing我不止是玩 三分球空心入网 就是我给的答案 More than just playing我不止是玩 穿裆接变向 小子看清我的示范 不只是玩 Whos gonna battle with me MORE than just playing 1 ON 1 YOU AND ME 不只是玩 拿出你的所有实力 MORE than just playing 1 ON 1 YOU AND ME 不只是玩 MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing 我没有姚明的身高 但有AI的技巧 没有酷炫的装备 但马上就进校队 生活压力太大 I DON GIVE A SKR 除了教师里的学霸还可以用篮球称霸 Dad Mom 我不会成为麻烦 球场满头大汗寻找答案 我想要灌篮我现在只能碰到篮板 想要我难堪没那么简单给你好看 掌控了全场胯下运球加一个虚晃 就像Iverson到哪里都当自己的主场 联防 阻挡 三分 压哨 加时反转 YBDL 全明星的课堂 you gotta it 不只是玩 Whos gonna battle with me MORE than just playing 1 ON 1 YOU AND ME 不只是玩 拿出你的所有实力 MORE than just playing 1 ON 1 YOU AND ME 不只是玩 MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing you and me 不只是玩 MORE than just playing battle with me 不只是玩 MORE than just playing you and me 不只是玩 MORE than just playing battle with me MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing MORE than just playing