[00: 20.79] I like the sight and the sound and even the stink of it [00: 45.10] They happen to like New York [00: 49.07] Last Sunday afternoon I took a trip to Hackensack [00: 56.09] But after I gave Hackensack the once over [01: 00.05] I took the next train back [01: 12.10] And the undertaker starts to ring my funeral bell [01: 20.98] I happen to like New York [00:06.63] I happen to like New York [00:10.28] I happen to like this town [00:14.05] I like the city air I like to drink of it [00:17.18] The more I know New York the more I think of it [00:24.38] I happen to like New York [00:27.78] I like to go to Battery Park and watch those liners booming in [00:34.60] I often ask myself Why should it be [00:38.09] that they should come so far from across the sea [00:41.65] I suppose it's because they all agree with me [01:03.14] I happen to love this burg [01:06.49] I happen to like this town [01:10.28] And when I have to give the world a last farewell [01:17.75] I don't want to go to heaven don't want to go to hell [01:24.10] I happen to like New York