作词 : synista 作曲 : synista China Mac: “Ayo Lil Pump let me tell you sumthin' boy” “李鹏,让我来告诉你一些事情顺便给你上一课” “You a lil kid so I’m just gon’ score you like a lil boy you are you understand I’m sayin'?” “你现在还只是个弟弟 所以我就暂且当你还只是个小孩不懂事 不跟你计较太多” “When you make these jokes you pull your eyes you say all these ” “当你富强民主爱开玩笑 把你那24k黄金眼拉长眯着 说什么富强民主爱国的时候” “ feel disrespected by that you understand I’m sayin'?” “我的人都觉得他们治伤被拉低了,而且我们非常不舒适, 你懂我意思吧?” “You gon’ put some respect on my culture or my people u understand I’m sayin'?” “你最好去漱个口 ,尊重我们上下五千年的沉淀和积累” “You ain’t gon’ make those statements without getting checked” “你就别妄想在开了民主富强爱的玩笑之后还想着能够全身而退了” “If ain’t nobody else gon’ say sumthin' to you, I’m gonna say sumthin' to you” “如果所有人都不出声 我一定会说点什么告诉你的马” “So this is what the you gonna do lil boy” “所以 小老弟 这是你接下来要做的事情 You gon’ take that video to off you page right now “立刻 马上 把你那个可爱的视频从你的主页上删掉” I was thinking ‘bout 其实我刚刚在想 Just speak out loud and spit on your face but that would be lame(yeah yeah) 要不要直接大声说出来直接糊在你腊肉脸上 不过那样未免也太low了 Just in case that people say I’m trolling for fame 免得落人口舌被别人说我蹭你热度 24/7 you them x’s you up dank you up grams 1个星期7天24个小时你都在吃糖点西兰花 Never use no don’t got me wrong my point is you got no brain 连个 也没有,别误会,我是想说你真是个脑白金浆糊 Man, wrong with your dye 小老弟,你那个糟糕的拖把是怎么回事 I'm proud I’m a guy 我就是龙裔 我非常自豪 有问题吗 loud yeah you pretty hi 我看你是又上天了吧 小老弟 I spy through your squinty eyes 我从你那眯着的黄金眼里看出来了 Know you needed hype take a Woah Vicky fight tape it release it 我知道你急需炒作,你真的应该去和Woah Vicky玩个泥沙 录下来 Or go just stream in live and charge for a ticket from the start i don’t believe it 发布到网上顺带直播一下 再付费点播收点门票啥的 其实一开始我还不相信你天才到这种程度 But this time kid, You got me really yikes 不过小老弟,这次你真的恶心到我了 But that’s how u bring in likes, way before you become rich 不过你不就是这样骗赞的嘛 没出名前你就这么干了 Point a drumstick at your mouth aye 你都把带加长发夹的大家伙架自己嘴上了 Still saying dumb sho 怎么就是学不会闭嘴呢 “, he a still chump kid,yeah Lil Pump's rich” “我家鹏鹏褥个滑又怎么了,他不一直都2吗,他有的是钱” Got a bust down wrist, he's wrists shine drip “手饰上镶钻一大堆,闪到要滴水” “Do no Lil Pump diss, yeah we with Pump cause Lil Pump's lit” “别Diss我家李鹏了,我们都喜欢鹏鹏 鹏鹏的歌就是炸” “He just been through slump peak” (ayy) “他才刚经历了他人生的低谷” “He just make fun from speech” (ayy) “他只是富强民主爱开玩笑罢了” “He just blew lung from ”(ayy) “他刚才又点了盘西兰花” “He just can’t quit from ” (ayy) “他就是一定要喝葡萄味儿的雪碧” “He just a damn teen from street” (ayy) “他只是一个混街上的好孩子” Gain attention from beef (ayy) 想通过吃别人的牛肉坐洗以获取人们的注意 Yelling ‘Love Donald Trump' 整天嚷嚷“四川普通话真糟糕” Just keep repeat the same what Donald Trump did 你现在说的东西和四川普通话压根儿没区别 You know, yeah, matter fact 说起来还挺讽刺 事实上 Lotta people used to like ya tracks 很多人喜欢过的你的歌 You actually their favorite 事实上你可能是他们最喜欢的rapper之一 But that’s right before you show us disrespect and became a 不过那是在你开那个民主富强爱玩笑 并且成为一个熊猫之前 Congratulations, you are truly famous 小老弟 恭喜你,这次你可真是出名了 Now Your shoot wont never ever be on them playlists 估计要不了多久你的歌就完全在人们的播放列表里永远消失了 The basics, you gon’ show us some RESPECT 最基本的 你得学会尊重长辈 I'm on some Ye you ain’t it, you gon’ regret, bet 我溜回去听Kanye 咯 你省省吧 你会后悔的 我敢打包票 (Wait, where was I?) (等等,我说到哪了?) How could you never be awkward 真的很好奇 你怎么就不会害臊呢 I heard you dropped out from Harvard 我听说你从哈佛辍学了 Ya father's biggest mistake must be wore no rubber (ayy) 你爸这辈子犯的最大的错误 应该是 骑上你的马的时候没戴零零一 Everyday ya hair change color(ayy), seriously you need the barber 每天你的拖把感觉颜色都不一样,说真的小老弟你需要修整一哈 Pink dreads and some face-tats don’t make u another Dwayne, Carter (ayy) 粉红小辫子辫加再多面部纹身 你也成为不了Dwayne Carter(注:Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. 即著名说唱歌手Lil Wayne 此处也双关Dwayne Wade和 Vince Carter两位NBA球员 借此表扬一下李鹏小朋友作文中提及姚明一事) I expect you'll be smarter, next day Cole say whatever go play oh hey 我还以为你会比以前聪明一点,结果你第二天就把Cole说的话全忘了 Spending you whole pay, cold chains Rolex outta the showcase 肆意挥霍你的全部积蓄 把钻石项链和劳力士从陈列柜带回家 Then you 然后你就 Flexing on ‘Gram 在Ins上发羊巅峰呀 Pissing on bands 随手在一堆钱上如个厕 Smashing on Phantom 顺带再杂个劳斯莱斯后窗 Bashing on platinum 哪天开心了再杂个铂金证书 200 grand-some 不过就算我给你一包辣条 Bet you don’t dare to pissing on EM 你也不敢去问候一下Eminem(注:此处双关EM和M发音一样 M也可以指Million, Pissing On M 也可以指“在一百万上小如厕”) And you gotta thank him 你还得去跪天 说谢谢 with aunts your mansion in flames 还和一群老阿姨一起吃糖 你家都茅屋着火了小老弟 what is remain, the closet of shames 除了一个“羞愧的壁橱”之外 啥都不剩(注:Closet Of Shames意为“羞耻的秘密”) Ain’t stopping yet, just doing my thang 这事儿还没完呢,我只是在做我该做的事 You wanted the blame, I’m making it rain 你不是热吗 我来给你下个唾沫雨(注:rain也有“责难”的意思) Force-Center YAO MING (YEAH!) 强力中锋 我大姚明 (就是这么6) ‘Bout to move that 小老弟 听说你富强民主爱开玩笑? 4th Chamber SHAOLIN, 少林 听过吗小老弟 Remember yo that’s where Wu-Tang from! 你们的武当派可就从那儿来!(Wu-Tang : 即Wu- Tang Clan, 4th Chamber是其中一首作品的名字) My respect to RZA, GZA, RAEKWON CHEF and ODB 在这里致敬RZA, GZA, RAEKWON THE CHEF, 还有ODB (注:ODB 即Ol’Dirty B ,Wu-Tang Clan成员之一,已逝) Take ya album back to studio 把你的专辑带回录音棚重做吧 Gucci Loui Fendi Group loop in 4 CDs troll on CP3 古驰学习小组 路易学习小组 芬迪学习小组 啥的循环个4张碟的长度 或者去蹭蹭CP3热度(注:CP3即NBA球员Chris Paul) You got me board you started this war, 不然未免也太无聊了 你先举办了这场富强民主爱国比赛 Now this bro need peace 现在你这啥表又想要和平了 Chopsticks, bowl licked, woah kid, oh shoot “筷子”准备好了 碗也舔了 小老弟 (注:Chopstick为某种军用火柴) You waking up these beasts now they both need beef 你咋坐洗唤醒了那群野兽呢 现在他们都等着吃“牛肉”呢 (注:这里的beef双关 不过不用说大家都懂) Yeah go kid keep 对 小老弟 你继续 Pushing limits to the sky for the hype all night 在坐洗 的边缘试探,为了炒作整晚 吃糖点西兰花 Find a way to shoot'em then you put'em online 然后找个方法把他们都做成视频 再放上网 Couple blue cheese wings don’t make u can fly 吃了几个蓝芝士鸡翅可不代表你就会飞了 Yeah, playing on fire tryna chase the DRAGON 还想追随龙的脚步,小老弟 你这是在玩火 you on sight, that’s whats gon' happen 如同老鼠过街一般 那将会是你的下场 Pray you don’t fall we gon’ break the silence 希望你别太快崩盘 我们要打破沉默 Chasing no balls, you can't cross the GIANT 至于球什么的 也别追了 你突破不了巨人的防守的 You free throw, zero, need coach 站着让你投罚球都能0中,还是把你教练叫过来吧 80 on my wrist, no shoot, beast mode 我单靠手腕就能狂砍80分,不骗你,野兽模式开着呢 Hunnit’ on my bro, got lotta C-NOTE 刚花100块买了个表 有的是Red Money Dip thro’, you can not reach his dih tho 神猴? 别想了 就算你脚踝没折 Peace? No, even when your knees didn't broke 你也够不着姚明二哥的弟弟,想要和平? 我拒绝 Window, Chopstick through the peephole 不过还是提醒你当心窗户,筷子瞄着你的头呢 “Please don’t make him terrify more” “行了差不多得了 再吓他都得哭了” F-boom to your BUTTERFLY DOORS 下次再惹我试试 我就把口香糖粘到你蝶翼门上 DomsliveNews: “Then you know what?” “说句实话” “I can’t argue with him and say don’t be offended” “我实在不能反驳他或者让他不要生气” “Because maybe it is offensive to people” “因为 这些话的确有可能会引起不适” “I don’t know, I'm not Chinese, I'm not Asian” “我也不能十分肯定 因为我不了解钟国 也不太了解雅洲” “And look I understand where Asian people are coming from but like i said” “听着,伙计 我了解你们现在的心情,不过正如我所说” “Don't be talking about 'N WORD this N WORD that, My qiga'” “你们平时总不能经常说什么‘尼歌这 尼歌那,我的七歌’” “And all that stuff, but when someone say , it’s a problem” “还有那些乱七八糟的东西而不以为然,但一旦有人开个民主富强爱玩笑,就演变成很严重的问题吧?” “Just don’t do that, just don’t be with that hypocritical stuff” “真的 别这做这种伪君子才做的事” “And that goes to like everyone out there and every different races man” “这句话也是对世界上所有的人说的 伙计” “You can’t get mad, when something offence you” “你不能只在别人富强民主爱开玩笑你的时候暴跳如雷” “But you out there offending other people” “但平时你在外面富强民主爱别人的时候” AND YOU DON’T EVEN CARE! “你 却 根 本 不 在 乎!” “And I just think that’s what the problem is and look, man” “我觉得这才是问题的所在 然后 听着,伙计” “If people that are Asian say they are offended by this” “如果有任何雅洲人觉得这种民主富强爱玩笑让他们引起不适” “Anyway, chill out with the talk man” “无论如何,还请你们冷静下来”