[00:00.000] 作词 : synista [00:00.000] 作曲 : synista [00:00.000]China Mac: [00:00.000]“Ayo Lil Pump let me tell you sumthin' boy” [00:00.000]“李鹏,让我来告诉你一些事情顺便给你上一课” [00:02.533]“You a lil kid so I’m just gon’ score you like a lil boy you are you understand I’m sayin'?” [00:02.533]“你现在还只是个弟弟 所以我就暂且当你还只是个小孩不懂事 不跟你计较太多” [00:06.620]“When you make these jokes you pull your eyes you say all these ” [00:06.620]“当你富强民主爱开玩笑 把你那24k黄金眼拉长眯着 说什么富强民主爱国的时候” [00:11.537]“ feel disrespected by that you understand I’m sayin'?” [00:11.537]“我的人都觉得他们治伤被拉低了,而且我们非常不舒适, 你懂我意思吧?” [00:14.385]“You gon’ put some respect on my culture or my people u understand I’m sayin'?” [00:14.385]“你最好去漱个口 ,尊重我们上下五千年的沉淀和积累” [00:18.947]“You ain’t gon’ make those statements without getting checked” [00:18.947]“你就别妄想在开了民主富强爱的玩笑之后还想着能够全身而退了” [00:22.303]“If ain’t nobody else gon’ say sumthin' to you, I’m gonna say sumthin' to you” [00:22.303]“如果所有人都不出声 我一定会说点什么告诉你的马” [00:25.398]“So this is what the you gonna do lil boy” [00:25.398]“所以 小老弟 这是你接下来要做的事情 [00:27.478]You gon’ take that video to off you page right now [00:27.478]“立刻 马上 把你那个可爱的视频从你的主页上删掉” [00:31.221]I was thinking ‘bout [00:31.221]其实我刚刚在想 [00:32.087]Just speak out loud and spit on your face but that would be lame(yeah yeah) [00:32.087]要不要直接大声说出来直接糊在你腊肉脸上 不过那样未免也太low了 [00:35.871]Just in case that people say I’m trolling for fame [00:35.871]免得落人口舌被别人说我蹭你热度 [00:37.972]24/7 you them x’s you up dank you up grams [00:37.972]1个星期7天24个小时你都在吃糖点西兰花 [00:41.000]Never use no don’t got me wrong my point is you got no brain [00:41.000]连个 也没有,别误会,我是想说你真是个脑白金浆糊 [00:43.798]Man, wrong with your dye [00:43.798]小老弟,你那个糟糕的拖把是怎么回事 [00:46.281]I'm proud I’m a guy [00:46.281]我就是龙裔 我非常自豪 有问题吗 [00:47.966] loud yeah you pretty hi [00:47.966]我看你是又上天了吧 小老弟 [00:49.631]I spy through your squinty eyes [00:49.631]我从你那眯着的黄金眼里看出来了 [00:50.740]Know you needed hype take a Woah Vicky fight tape it release it [00:50.740]我知道你急需炒作,你真的应该去和Woah Vicky玩个泥沙 录下来 [00:52.902]Or go just stream in live and charge for a ticket from the start i don’t believe it [00:52.902]发布到网上顺带直播一下 再付费点播收点门票啥的 其实一开始我还不相信你天才到这种程度 [00:55.417]But this time kid, You got me really yikes [00:55.417]不过小老弟,这次你真的恶心到我了 [00:57.345]But that’s how u bring in likes, way before you become rich [00:57.345]不过你不就是这样骗赞的嘛 没出名前你就这么干了 [01:00.671]Point a drumstick at your mouth aye [01:00.671]你都把带加长发夹的大家伙架自己嘴上了 [01:02.204]Still saying dumb sho [01:02.204]怎么就是学不会闭嘴呢 [01:03.483]“, he a still chump kid,yeah Lil Pump's rich” [01:03.483]“我家鹏鹏褥个滑又怎么了,他不一直都2吗,他有的是钱” [01:05.710]Got a bust down wrist, he's wrists shine drip [01:05.710]“手饰上镶钻一大堆,闪到要滴水” [01:07.294]“Do no Lil Pump diss, yeah we with Pump cause Lil Pump's lit” [01:07.294]“别Diss我家李鹏了,我们都喜欢鹏鹏 鹏鹏的歌就是炸” [01:10.226]“He just been through slump peak” (ayy) [01:10.226]“他才刚经历了他人生的低谷” [01:11.886]“He just make fun from speech” (ayy) [01:11.886]“他只是富强民主爱开玩笑罢了” [01:13.396]“He just blew lung from ”(ayy) [01:13.396]“他刚才又点了盘西兰花” [01:15.054]“He just can’t quit from ” (ayy) [01:15.054]“他就是一定要喝葡萄味儿的雪碧” [01:16.718]“He just a damn teen from street” (ayy) [01:16.718]“他只是一个混街上的好孩子” [01:18.292]Gain attention from beef (ayy) [01:18.292]想通过吃别人的牛肉坐洗以获取人们的注意 [01:19.865]Yelling ‘Love Donald Trump' [01:19.865]整天嚷嚷“四川普通话真糟糕” [01:20.939]Just keep repeat the same what Donald Trump did [01:20.939]你现在说的东西和四川普通话压根儿没区别 [01:22.653]You know, yeah, matter fact [01:22.653]说起来还挺讽刺 事实上 [01:26.494]Lotta people used to like ya tracks [01:26.494]很多人喜欢过的你的歌 [01:28.643]You actually their favorite [01:28.643]事实上你可能是他们最喜欢的rapper之一 [01:30.813]But that’s right before you show us disrespect and became a [01:30.813]不过那是在你开那个民主富强爱玩笑 并且成为一个熊猫之前 [01:35.501]Congratulations, you are truly famous [01:35.501]小老弟 恭喜你,这次你可真是出名了 [01:38.500]Now Your shoot wont never ever be on them playlists [01:38.500]估计要不了多久你的歌就完全在人们的播放列表里永远消失了 [01:41.801]The basics, you gon’ show us some RESPECT [01:41.801]最基本的 你得学会尊重长辈 [01:45.035]I'm on some Ye you ain’t it, you gon’ regret, bet [01:45.035]我溜回去听Kanye 咯 你省省吧 你会后悔的 我敢打包票 [01:49.172](Wait, where was I?) [01:49.172](等等,我说到哪了?) [01:50.283]How could you never be awkward [01:50.283]真的很好奇 你怎么就不会害臊呢 [01:51.813]I heard you dropped out from Harvard [01:51.813]我听说你从哈佛辍学了 [01:53.512]Ya father's biggest mistake must be wore no rubber (ayy) [01:53.512]你爸这辈子犯的最大的错误 应该是 骑上你的马的时候没戴零零一 [01:56.733]Everyday ya hair change color(ayy), seriously you need the barber [01:56.733]每天你的拖把感觉颜色都不一样,说真的小老弟你需要修整一哈 [01:59.519]Pink dreads and some face-tats don’t make u another Dwayne, Carter (ayy) [01:59.519]粉红小辫子辫加再多面部纹身 你也成为不了Dwayne Carter(注:Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. 即著名说唱歌手Lil Wayne 此处也双关Dwayne Wade和 Vince Carter两位NBA球员 借此表扬一下李鹏小朋友作文中提及姚明一事) [02:03.202]I expect you'll be smarter, next day Cole say whatever go play oh hey [02:03.202]我还以为你会比以前聪明一点,结果你第二天就把Cole说的话全忘了 [02:06.424]Spending you whole pay, cold chains Rolex outta the showcase [02:06.424]肆意挥霍你的全部积蓄 把钻石项链和劳力士从陈列柜带回家 [02:08.710]Then you [02:08.710]然后你就 [02:09.313]Flexing on ‘Gram [02:09.313]在Ins上发羊巅峰呀 [02:09.951]Pissing on bands [02:09.951]随手在一堆钱上如个厕 [02:10.689]Smashing on Phantom [02:10.689]顺带再杂个劳斯莱斯后窗 [02:11.571]Bashing on platinum [02:11.571]哪天开心了再杂个铂金证书 [02:12.333]200 grand-some [02:12.333]不过就算我给你一包辣条 [02:13.201]Bet you don’t dare to pissing on EM [02:13.201]你也不敢去问候一下Eminem(注:此处双关EM和M发音一样 M也可以指Million, Pissing On M 也可以指“在一百万上小如厕”) [02:14.701]And you gotta thank him [02:14.701]你还得去跪天 说谢谢 [02:15.564]with aunts your mansion in flames [02:15.564]还和一群老阿姨一起吃糖 你家都茅屋着火了小老弟 [02:17.169]what is remain, the closet of shames [02:17.169]除了一个“羞愧的壁橱”之外 啥都不剩(注:Closet Of Shames意为“羞耻的秘密”) [02:18.592]Ain’t stopping yet, just doing my thang [02:18.592]这事儿还没完呢,我只是在做我该做的事 [02:20.126]You wanted the blame, I’m making it rain [02:20.126]你不是热吗 我来给你下个唾沫雨(注:rain也有“责难”的意思) [02:21.880]Force-Center YAO MING (YEAH!) [02:21.880]强力中锋 我大姚明 (就是这么6) [02:23.541]‘Bout to move that [02:23.541]小老弟 听说你富强民主爱开玩笑? [02:25.157]4th Chamber SHAOLIN, [02:25.157]少林 听过吗小老弟 [02:26.543]Remember yo that’s where Wu-Tang from! [02:26.543]你们的武当派可就从那儿来!(Wu-Tang : 即Wu- Tang Clan, 4th Chamber是其中一首作品的名字) [02:28.291]My respect to RZA, GZA, RAEKWON CHEF and ODB [02:28.291]在这里致敬RZA, GZA, RAEKWON THE CHEF, 还有ODB (注:ODB 即Ol’Dirty B ,Wu-Tang Clan成员之一,已逝) [02:31.453]Take ya album back to studio [02:31.453]把你的专辑带回录音棚重做吧 [02:32.697]Gucci Loui Fendi Group loop in 4 CDs troll on CP3 [02:32.697]古驰学习小组 路易学习小组 芬迪学习小组 啥的循环个4张碟的长度 或者去蹭蹭CP3热度(注:CP3即NBA球员Chris Paul) [02:35.236]You got me board you started this war, [02:35.236]不然未免也太无聊了 你先举办了这场富强民主爱国比赛 [02:36.795]Now this bro need peace [02:36.795]现在你这啥表又想要和平了 [02:37.884]Chopsticks, bowl licked, woah kid, oh shoot [02:37.884]“筷子”准备好了 碗也舔了 小老弟 (注:Chopstick为某种军用火柴) [02:39.506]You waking up these beasts now they both need beef [02:39.506]你咋坐洗唤醒了那群野兽呢 现在他们都等着吃“牛肉”呢 (注:这里的beef双关 不过不用说大家都懂) [02:41.074]Yeah go kid keep [02:41.074]对 小老弟 你继续 [02:41.794]Pushing limits to the sky for the hype all night [02:41.794]在坐洗 的边缘试探,为了炒作整晚 吃糖点西兰花 [02:44.137]Find a way to shoot'em then you put'em online [02:44.137]然后找个方法把他们都做成视频 再放上网 [02:45.714]Couple blue cheese wings don’t make u can fly [02:45.714]吃了几个蓝芝士鸡翅可不代表你就会飞了 [02:47.416]Yeah, playing on fire tryna chase the DRAGON [02:47.416]还想追随龙的脚步,小老弟 你这是在玩火 [02:49.042]you on sight, that’s whats gon' happen [02:49.042]如同老鼠过街一般 那将会是你的下场 [02:50.666]Pray you don’t fall we gon’ break the silence [02:50.666]希望你别太快崩盘 我们要打破沉默 [02:52.080]Chasing no balls, you can't cross the GIANT [02:52.080]至于球什么的 也别追了 你突破不了巨人的防守的 [02:54.044]You free throw, zero, need coach [02:54.044]站着让你投罚球都能0中,还是把你教练叫过来吧 [02:55.592]80 on my wrist, no shoot, beast mode [02:55.592]我单靠手腕就能狂砍80分,不骗你,野兽模式开着呢 [02:57.197]Hunnit’ on my bro, got lotta C-NOTE [02:57.197]刚花100块买了个表 有的是Red Money [02:58.485]Dip thro’, you can not reach his dih tho [02:58.485]神猴? 别想了 就算你脚踝没折 [03:00.164]Peace? No, even when your knees didn't broke [03:00.164]你也够不着姚明二哥的弟弟,想要和平? 我拒绝 [03:01.700]Window, Chopstick through the peephole [03:01.700]不过还是提醒你当心窗户,筷子瞄着你的头呢 [03:03.412]“Please don’t make him terrify more” [03:03.412]“行了差不多得了 再吓他都得哭了” [03:05.114]F-boom to your BUTTERFLY DOORS [03:05.114]下次再惹我试试 我就把口香糖粘到你蝶翼门上 [03:06.812]DomsliveNews: [03:06.812]“Then you know what?” [03:06.812]“说句实话” [03:08.507]“I can’t argue with him and say don’t be offended” [03:08.507]“我实在不能反驳他或者让他不要生气” [03:11.232]“Because maybe it is offensive to people” [03:11.232]“因为 这些话的确有可能会引起不适” [03:13.903]“I don’t know, I'm not Chinese, I'm not Asian” [03:13.903]“我也不能十分肯定 因为我不了解钟国 也不太了解雅洲” [03:18.550]“And look I understand where Asian people are coming from but like i said” [03:18.550]“听着,伙计 我了解你们现在的心情,不过正如我所说” [03:23.221]“Don't be talking about 'N WORD this N WORD that, My qiga'” [03:23.221]“你们平时总不能经常说什么‘尼歌这 尼歌那,我的七歌’” [03:26.553]“And all that stuff, but when someone say , it’s a problem” [03:26.553]“还有那些乱七八糟的东西而不以为然,但一旦有人开个民主富强爱玩笑,就演变成很严重的问题吧?” [03:32.634]“Just don’t do that, just don’t be with that hypocritical stuff” [03:32.634]“真的 别这做这种伪君子才做的事” [03:35.939]“And that goes to like everyone out there and every different races man” [03:35.939]“这句话也是对世界上所有的人说的 伙计” [03:39.581]“You can’t get mad, when something offence you” [03:39.581]“你不能只在别人富强民主爱开玩笑你的时候暴跳如雷” [03:43.293]“But you out there offending other people” [03:43.293]“但平时你在外面富强民主爱别人的时候” [03:45.445]AND YOU DON’T EVEN CARE! [03:45.445]“你 却 根 本 不 在 乎!” [03:47.549]“And I just think that’s what the problem is and look, man” [03:47.549]“我觉得这才是问题的所在 然后 听着,伙计” [03:50.977]“If people that are Asian say they are offended by this” [03:50.977]“如果有任何雅洲人觉得这种民主富强爱玩笑让他们引起不适” [03:54.578]“Anyway, chill out with the talk man” [03:54.578]“无论如何,还请你们冷静下来”