I’m a little construction worker,我是小小建筑工人, After putting my hard hat on,戴上我的安全帽, Piling up bricks,砌上砖块, One two three and four.一块两块三块四块。 I’m gonna build an amazing house,我要盖一座大房子, Such a beautiful house it will be.盖一座漂亮的大房子。 I’m a little construction worker,我是小小建筑工人, After putting my hard hat on,戴上我的安全帽, Piling up bricks,砌上砖块, One two three and four.一块两块三块四块。 I’m gonna build an amazing house,我要盖一座大房子, Such a beautiful house it will be.盖一座漂亮的大房子。 I’m a little construction worker,我是小小建筑工人, After putting my hard hat on,戴上我的安全帽, Piling up bricks,砌上砖块, One two three and four.一块两块三块四块。 I’m gonna build an amazing house,我要盖一座大房子, Wow it’s really big and beautiful!哇!真是又大又漂亮的房子啊!"