Come home late, come home early 早点回家,晚点回家, Come home big when I'm feelin' small 早晚我都要回到安抚心灵的家, Come home straight, come home ****ed-up 整洁的家,乱成马的家, Sometimes I don't come home at all 有时我干脆想离开这个JB家。 What in the world has come over me? 什么东西迷惑了我的眼? What in heaven's name have I done? 我以上帝之名做过什么? I've broken the speed of the sound of loneliness 将寂寞之声远远抛在脑后。 I'm out there running just to be on the run 我只是想毫无目的的跑跑。 You've a heart that burns with a fever 熊熊烈火在你心中燃烧。 You've got a worried and a jealous mind 忧虑嫉妒填满你的胸腔。 How can a love that'll last forever 怎样让爱火生生不息, Leave me so damn far behind? 还是他妈的把我抛弃? Tell me now 快跟我说 It's a mighty mean and dreadful sorrow 这是多么恶俗 让人多么悲伤 It's crossed that evil line today 这已经不能用邪恶来衡量 I can't think about tomorrow 我没法再幻想明天会怎样, I ain't got one word to say 我心中的话再没法对你讲。