作词 : 于湉 作曲 : Kyle Puccia/Anthony Starble 编曲Program: Kyle Puccia, Hao Wang 流过汗水 流过眼泪 有多少次曾为 失败伤悲 跌倒几回 站起再追 从来不曾颓废 勇敢面对 寻找过青春年华 跋涉过春秋冬夏 世界充满鲜花与我们笑声的晚霞 会不会偶尔想起那些芳华潸然泪下 Woo~ 逆风去翱翔 我不怕阻挡 Woo~ 乘风去破浪 我不会投降 受伤是我骄傲的勋章 不畏失败的阻挡 带着希望去远航 丢掉惭愧 丢掉伤悲 说好绝不后退 勇者无畏 太多浪费 太多狼狈 汗水泪水帮你 洗去疲惫 不害怕雨打风吹 日晒也不会枯萎 世界充满鲜花与我们笑声的晚霞 会不会偶尔想起那些芳华潸然泪下 Woo~ 逆风去翱翔 我不怕阻挡 Woo~ 乘风去破浪 我不会投降 受伤是我骄傲的勋章 不畏失败的阻挡 带着希望去远航 You are a soldier You are a fighter You are the captain of this ship You are a soldier You are a fighter You are the captain of this ship You are a soldier You are a fighter You are the captain of this ship You are a soldier You are a fighter You are the captain of this ship You are a soldier You are a fighter You are the captain of this ship You are a soldier You are a fighter You are the captain of this ship You are a soldier You are a fighter You are the captain of this ship You are a soldier You are a fighter You are the captain of this ship 不畏失败的阻挡 带着希望去远航 不怕千万人阻挡 梦想在心中回荡 世界都为我鼓掌 制作人Producer: Hao Wang 配唱制作人Vocal Producer:金大洲D-Jin 鼓Drums: Ale Guiliani 吉他Guitars: Steve Stout 贝斯Bass: Eric Louiselle 钢琴Piano: Anthony Starble 混音Mixing Engineer: Travis Ference 母带Master: Jett Galindo @The Bakery studio 企划/制作统筹:Yan@梦织音 OP:上海天娱传媒有限公司 OP:北京梦织音传媒有限公司