英:Hey yo~..This is my first cd and i want to thank you for listening. I hope you enjoy what you hear . The songs are about life and love, about all the good thing the bad thing The things that could be better, the things that change us, the things that make that to we are, and may be the person we want to become. 国语:大家好...这是我第1张专辑..谢谢捧场..希望你们喜欢听..这些歌是讲生活..讲爱..所有好的..所有坏的..可以更好的..可以改变我们的..能让我们认识自己的 广东话:大家好..尼个系我第1个唱片..多谢捧场..希望你地钟意听..呢地歌系讲生活..系讲爱..所有好噶..所有坏噶..可以更好噶...可以改变我地噶..可以令到我地认识我们自己噶