Are there days, you've got a dizzy head? 你是否感到过头晕? Feels like a dream, you never want to have 感觉像一场梦? Are there nights, when you want to rest? 你是否想好好休息? Lie in your bed, and never wake again 躺在床上一睡不起? On a journey with no end to 无尽的旅途 Countless mountains to pass them through 无穷的山川 One day you fall, the other you crawl 跌倒也要坚持向前 Someday you can still have it all 总有一天你会到达终点 It's a new day, a new sign, a new way into the sun shine 新的一天,新的迹象,新的旅途,新的阳光 Though the darkness haunts your brain 虽然脑海充满昏暗 The laughter can still remain 欢声笑语依然没有消散 Are there names that you hate to say? 有哪些人让你不愿提起? A scar you drew, upon a pretty face 被你划伤的脸庞是否已经忘记? Are there times, when you miss your friend? 有哪些人给了你美好的回忆? Whose heart you broke, and never see again 被你伤过的心是否还能想起? It's only half of what you do 许多往事只有一半是你 The other half is who you do it to 另外一半是你的勇气 Remember the love, remember the hug 记住爱心,记住拥抱 Remember what it takes to make them last 记住有谁曾经在你怀抱 It's a new day, a new time, a new step into the new life 新的一天,新的时光,新的一步,走出悲伤 Though the past hurts now and then 尽管过去时有伤痛 Someday you will heal the pain 总有一天一切都恢复如初 Outro