I'm in the shower, got no power 打开淋浴,没有力气 Surrounded by water, I need a savior 全是水汽,我需要救济 Someone rings the bell, I run like hell 有人敲门,我撒腿就跑 Can't say good-bye, I'm out of time 没法告别,时间已到 Put the prides aside, for a bumpy ride 放下骄傲,准备颠簸 Fight or flight, the eyes don't lie 是否逃跑,眼神来说 Either on my way, or going astray 一往直前还是止步不前 Shake off the fears and wipe the tears 甩开恐惧擦干双眼 I'm on the edge, can you see me 我站在边缘,你是否看见 On the edge, can you hear me 我站在边缘,你是否听见 On the edge, no place to hide 我站在边缘,无处藏身 On the edge, I'm ready to fight 我站在边缘,准备拼搏献身 I climb the tower, higher and higher 我一步一步往上爬 The top is nearer, it starts to quiver 爬得越高脚下越滑 Someone on my tail, I'm slow as a snail 有人追赶,我却慢如蜗牛 Don't cry for help, just break the shell 别指望别人,得想办法自救 Either flying high or fall and die 是飞跃还是毁灭 Like a burning flame or chilling ice 像冰一样冷还是火一样烈 Gotta keep the faith in the misty haze 坚持自我走出谜团 Hold your hands until the end 握紧双手渡过难关 I'm on the edge, can you see me 我站在边缘,你是否看见 On the edge, can you hear me 我站在边缘,你是否听见 On the edge, no place to hide 我站在边缘,无处藏身 On the edge, I'm ready to fight 我站在边缘,准备拼搏献身 Guitar Solo I'm on the edge, can you see me 我站在边缘,你是否看见 On the edge, can you hear me 我站在边缘,你是否听见 On the edge, no place to hide 我站在边缘,无处藏身 On the edge, I'm ready to fight 我站在边缘,准备拼搏献身 I'm on the edge, come on and see me tall from the crowd 我站在边缘,请看我高耸 On the edge, come on and hear me when I say it out loud 我站在边缘,请看我高呼 On the edge, I ain't got a place to go and hide 我站在边缘,我无法藏在深处 On the edge, I'm gonna fight, and fight or die 我站在边缘,背水一战或者万劫不复