I decided to come here To tell you what I never could! In the end we´re not the same, I´m tired of being misunderstood All I need is to break free Like my spirit used to be Too many nights I thought of you But now there´s nothing I can do... Forgive me but I´ll say the truth: It´s time to face the end! What goes around Comes around back to you, Forgive me but I´ll say the truth... See the scars deep in your face, Feel the thorns around your heart All that´s gone now stays behind, There´s no need to fall apart All I want is to run free With no shadows over me So far away Though standing near I know these words are hard to hear! Forgive me but I´ll say the truth: It´s time to free the end! What goes around Comes around straight to you, Forgive me but I´ll say the truth... Would you pledge absolution to me now? Will you throw away your armour? Or will it go on and on with you? Forgive me but I´ll say the truth... Forgive me but I´ll say it There´s nothing left to stop me Forgive me but I´m over you!