作词 : Saydir 作曲 : Zaman Goruhi Another head hang slowly, 又一颗头颅缓缓低垂, Child is slowly taken, 孩子的生命渐渐消逝, And the violence caused such silence, 而暴力带来的这般沉寂, Who are we mistaken, 谁又是罪魁祸首, But You see it's not me, 但你知道不是我, It s not my family, 更不是我的家人, In your head,in your head, 在你的头脑之中, They are fighting, 人们却在手足相残, With their tanks, and their bombs, 用他们的坦克炸弹, And their bombs, and their guns,用他们的钢枪铜炮, In your head, 在你的头脑之中, In your head they are crying, 人们在悲泣, In your head, in your head, 在你的头脑之中, Zombie, zombie, zombie, 人们死气沉沉, What's in your head, in your head, 你的头脑中究竟有着怎样的邪恶 Zombie, zombie, zombie, 人们如同行尸走肉, Another mother's breaking, 又一位母亲, Heart is taking over, 破碎的心被无情夺走, When the violence causes silence, 当暴力带来了沉寂, We must be mistaken, 我们都是罪魁祸首 难逃其咎, It's the same old theme since 1916,这是自1916年以来如出一辙的悲剧, In your head,在你的头脑之中, In your head they're still fighting, 人们仍在自相残杀, With their tanks ,and their bombs, 用他们的坦克炸弹, And their bombs, and their guns, 用他们的钢枪铜炮, In your head, 在你的头脑之中, In your head they are dying, 人们在苟延残喘, In your head, in your head, 在你的头脑之中, Zombie, zombie, zombie, 人们死气沉沉, What's in your head, in your head, 在你的头脑之中, Zombie, zombie, zombie, 人们就像行尸走肉。