作词 : 任子墨 作曲 : 任子墨 任子墨、解博文-失去你的24小时 作词:任子墨 作曲:任子墨 编曲:任子墨 和声:任子墨 录音:夏坚 混音:任子墨 母带:任子墨 制作人:Mr_LTC 出品人:孟庆宇 宣传专员:苏七 发行公司:北京YuGe 音乐 OP :北京YuGe 音乐 SP :北京YuGe 音乐 Bowen : I really hard to try But I can not watching TV without you We use to hello in the morning and kiss goodnight Don't leave me baby follow me Don't leave me baby follow me Don't leave me baby follow me I really hard to try But I still can't find my everything without you We use to laughing in my bed then go outside Don't leave me baby follow me Don't leave me baby follow me Don't leave me baby follow me Zimo : 我早该注意你微信屏蔽 我消息发不过去 我骗自己你在玩游戏 不要太在意 你那一天嘴里的酒气 带到了家里 你说你不开心 我知道你那几个闺蜜 总是爱组局 然后再欺负你 想找我谈谈心我不在意 一句话说三遍听不进去 你最后帮我把房门紧闭 离开前回想我们的相遇 那时我不爱惜身体 那时整夜不睡陪你 那时你说我像巨婴 缠着你说出你秘密 Bowen : Baby baby baby I go left you go right 再次让我面临一个人吃早餐 Baby baby call my name when you cry 誓言就像火里的冰块 Zimo : I really hard to try But I can not watching TV without you We use to hello in the morning and kiss goodnight Don't leave me baby follow me Don't leave me baby follow me Don't leave me baby follow me Bowen : I really hard to try But I still can't find my everything without you We use to laughing in my bed then go outside Don't leave me baby follow me Don't leave me baby follow me Don't leave me baby follow me 时间一点一点消失 电话号码再拨一次 偏激慢慢扰乱思绪 Zimo : 也许你回来我就都不在乎 那些问题无所畏惧 就不在乎内心深处 把你位列高处 心里喊你一次 难过突如其来贿赂 上瘾伤天害理 又不想拒绝这天大的好处 就像你照片还在手机屏幕 可能言语过重导致情感迷路 后悔没能留住怎么让你又哭 说过的话都是放* 我就像是一个傻* 握不住握不住送你的玫瑰 涂满了染料却依然会枯萎 回忆你想你想到大脑疲惫 一半无所谓一半想追回 拿不住拿不住尊严会憔悴 谁今夜买醉明天没心没肺 我知道想你不对 从小我知难不退 Bowen : I hard to try But I can not watching TV without you We use to hello in the morning and kiss goodnight Don't leave me Don't leave me Don't leave me Zimo : I really hard to try But I still can't find my everything without you Bowen : We use to laughing in my bed then go outside Don't leave me baby follow me Don't leave me baby follow me Don't leave me baby follow me